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11 Press Photograph from the seventies of Jordanian Conflict And now for something completely different ...... 11 Press Photograph from the seventies of Jordanian Conflict. Translated notes on back of the photographs: THE \"RED DEVILS\" IN JORDAN. BRITISH PARACHUTISTS CALLED \'THE RED DEVILS SENT IN JORDAN AT THE REQUEST OF KING HUSSEIN, TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THEIR REST TO VISIT THE JORDANIAN CAPITAL NPM: ON THE STREETS OF AMMAN TWO \'RED DEVILS\' TALK WITH A CITY POLICEMAN AND A JORDANIAN LEGION SOLDIER. 23-07-1958 THE LEBANON-PALESTINIAN CRISIS. NPM/SOMEWHERE IN JORDAN A YOUNG SOLDIER OF EL FATAH TRAINING ROCKET LAUNCHER FIRING. 04-11-1969 THE LEBANON-PALESTINIAN CRISIS NPM/ IN THE DESERT MOUNTAINS A FEW MILES FROM THE JORDAN RIVER THE SOLDIERS OF EL FATAH REST BETWEEN TWO MISSIONS. 04 11 69 VISIT TO JORDAN OF AN \"EL FATAH\" VOLUNTEER CAMP. THE HEADS OF THE \"EL FATAH\" ORGANIZATION HAVE VISITED TRAINING CAMPS SOMEWHERE IN JORDAN. NPM: A YOUNG ARMED VOLUNTEER STANDS NEAR ONE OF THE LEADERS OF THE ORGANIZATION DURING THE VISIT. 4/2/1970 EL FATH ACCUSES AMMAN OF WANTING TO LIQUIDATE FEDAYIN\'S ORGANIZATIONS. \"EL Fath\" Organ of the Palestinian resistance movement of the same name accused the authorities on Sunday of Amman to seek to liquidate fedayeen organizations. On Saturday Mr. Yasser Arafat, Chairman of the Central Committee of Palestinian Resistance said that \"4 units of the Jordanian army surrounded Amman\" Npm: Members of El Fath\" at a demonstration marking the end of an internship of militiamen, chaired by Mr. Yasser ARAFAT Chairman of the Central Committee of the Palestinian Resistance. 17 08 1970. DESERT OF ZARCA (JORDAN). 188 PASSENGERS HELD AS HOSTAGES ON BOARD OF THE TWO SWISS-AIR AND TWA PLANES DIVERTED ON SUNDAY. Following the two hijackings planes from Swiss Air and the TWA On Zarca airport (North of Jordan), 188 passengers are held as hostages, including there are 33 children. Both devices are guarded by an extraordinary military deployment. Npm: Both devices on the ZARCA airport land. 09 09 1970. THE SITUATION IN JORDAN . The Syrian forces which had penetrated in JORDAN to support the Palestinian commandos fighting against the Jordanian army, have recrossed the border. The fighting which was raging in AMMAN considerably diminished in intensity but still continued on the NORTHERN front until the ceasefire which has just been decided NPM/A Jordanian tank buried on the NORTH front in the region of IRBID. 26-09-1970 THE SITUATION IN JORDAN. The Syrian forces which had penetrated in JORDAN to support the Palestinian commandos fighting against the Jordanian army, have recrossed the border. The fighting which was raging in AMMAN considerably diminished in intensity but still continued on the NORTHERN front until the ceasefire which has just been decided NPM/Colonel GHAZIB ATTALLAH(seated) commanding the 2nd Jordanian Division on the NORTHERN front. 26/09/70 FEDAYINS GROUPS IN THE CASTLE OF AJLOUN. After having, in full force, evacuated the cities, the Palestinian Fedayeen are entrenched in the Castle of AJLOUN, 60 kilometers North-West of Amman in Jordan. Npm: Fedayin sentries observing the surroundings of the Castle of AJLOUN. 22.12.1970 FEDAYINS GROUPED IN THE CASTLE OF AJLOUN After having largely evacuated the cities, the Palestinian Fedayeen entrenched themselves in the castle of ALJOUN, 60 kilometers to the North West from Ammann in Jordan. Npm:: one of the entrances to the Castle of AJLOUN in which are entrenched the Fedayeen 22.12.1970 HE WATCH OVER THE HACHEMIT KINGDOM Situated at the heart of the MIDDLE EAST in the area of the world the most disordered: JORDANIA own common frontiere with a great number of agitate neighbours :SAOUDI ARABIA, ISRAEL, SYRIA and IRAQ. ARAB LEGION founded by a britannic aventurer GLUBB PASHA had always watch over the hachemit kingdom and over the king HUSSEIN himself. OPS/A soldier jordänian of the ARAB LEGION. 12-12-1974 __________________________________________ Original notes on back of the photographs: LES \"DIABLES ROUGES\" EN JORDANIE. LES PARACHUTISTES BRITANNIQUES SURNOMME\'S \"LES DIABLES ROUGE’S ENVOYÉS EN JORDANIE À LA DEMANDE DU ROI HUSSEIN, PROFITENT DE LEUR REPOS POUR VISITER LA CAPITALE JORDANIENNE NPM:DANS LES RUES D\'AMMAN DEUX \"DI ABLES ROUGES\" S\'ENTRETIENNENT AVEC UN POLICIER DE LA VILLE ET UN SOLDAT DE LA LÉGION JORDANIENNE. 23-07-1958 LA CRISE LIBANO-PALESTINIENNE NPM/ DANS LES MONTAGNES DESERTIQUES A QUELQUES MILES DE LA RIVIERE DU JOURDAIN LES SOLDATS D\'EL FATAH REPOSENT ENTRE DEUX MISSIONS. 04-11-1969 LA CRISE LIBANO-PALESTINIENNE. NPM/QUELQUE PART EN JORDANIE UN JEUNE SOLDAT D\'EL FATAH S\'ENTRAINE AU TIR DE LANCE ROQUETTES. 04-11-1969 VISITE EN JORDANIE D\'UN CAMP DE VOLONTAIRES \"EL FATAH\". LES CHEFS DE I\'ORGANISATION \"EL FATAH\" ONT VISITE DE S CAMPS D\'ENTRAINEMENT QUELQUE PART EN JORDANIE. NPM: UN JEUNE VOLONTAIRE ARME SE TIENT PRES D\' UN DES CHEFS DE L\'ORGANISATION LORS DE LA VISITE. 04-02-1970 ORGANISATIONS DE FEDAYIN. \"EL Fath\" Organe du movement de résistance palestinienne du même nom accusait dimanche les autorités de Amman de chercher à liquider les organisations de fedayin. Samedi M, Yasser Arafat, Président du Comité Central de la Résistance palestinienne avait déclaré que \"4 unités de l\'armée jordanienne encerclaient Amman\" Npm: Des membres d\'El Fath\" à une manifestation marquant la fin d\' un stage de miliciens, présidé par M. Yasser ARAFAT Président du Comité Central de la résistance palestinienne. 17-08-1970. DESERT DE ZARCA (JORDANIE). 188 PASSAGERS RETENUS COMME OTAGES A BORD DES DEUX AVIONS DE LA SWISS-AIR ET DE LA TWA DETOURNES DIMANCHE. A la suite des deux détournements des avions de la Swiss Air et de la TWA Sur l\'aéroport de Zarca (Nord de le Jordanie), 188 passagers sont retenus comme otages, parmi lesquels il y a 33 enfants. Les deux appareils sont gardés par un extraordinaire déploiement militaire. Npm: Les deux appareils sur le terrain de l\'aéroport de ZARCA. 09-09-1970. LA SITUATION EN JORDANIE . Les forces syriennes qui avaient penetre en JORDANIE pour appuyer les commandos palestiniens en lutte contre l\'armee jordanienne, ont repasse la frontiere. Les combats qui faisaient rage a AMMAN ont considerablement diminue d\'intensite mais continuaient toujours sur le front NORD jusqu\'au cessez le feu qui vient d\'etre decide NPM/Un char jordanien enterre sur le front NORD dans la region d\'IRBID. 26-09-1970 LA SITUATION EN JORDANIE. Les forces syriennes qui avaient penetre en JORDANIE pour appuyer les commandos palestiniens en lutte contre l\'armee jordanienne ont repasse la frontiere Les combats qui faisaient rage a AMANN ont considerablement diminue d\'intensite mais continuaient toujours dans le Nord du pays jusqu\'au cessez le feu qui vient d\'etre decide NPM/Le colonel GHAZIB ATTALLAH(assis) commandant la 2 eme division jordanienne sur le front NORD. 26-09-1970 FEDAYINS REGROPES DANS LE CHATEAU D\'AJLOUN, Aprés avoir, en grade partie, évacué les villes, les Fedayins palestiniens se dont retranchés dans le Chateau d\'AJLOUN, à 60 kilométres au Nord-Ouest de Amman en Jordanie. Npm: Des sentinelles fedayins observant les alentours du Chateau d\'AJLOUN. 22-12-1970 FEDAYINS REGROUPES DANS LE CHATEAU d\'AJLOUN Aprés avoir, en grande partie, évacué les villes, les Fedayins palestiniens se sont retranchés dans le Chateau d\'ALJOUN, à 60 kilométres au Nord Ouest de Ammann en Jordanie. Npm: I\'une des entrées du Chateau a\'AJLOUN dans lequel sont retranchés les Fedayins 22-12-1970 IL VEILLE SUR LE ROYAUME HACHEMIT. Au coeur d une legion la plus troublee au monde: LE PROCHE ORIENT, LA JORDANIE n\'est guere favorisee par le sort Elle a en effet frontieres communes avec de \"remuants\" voisins nombreux et varies tels que L\'ARABIE SEOUDTTE, ISRAEL, LA SYRIE, L\'IRAK. Maintes fois le trone hachemite a vacille sur ses fondements mais la LEGION ARABE fondee autrefois par un \"aventurier\" britannique GLUBB PACHA, a toujours ete un des plus fideles soutien du trone et continue de veiller aux frontieres du pays NPM/ Un soldat jordanien de la fameuse \"LEGION ARABE\". 12-12-1974
11th Airborne Division Marching Songs - The \"Angels\" Sing 1951 11th Airborne Division Marching Songs - The \"Angels\" Sing 1951. The songbook consists of 16 pages including the cover. Songs: Airborne Men Angels from Hell Down from Heaven Luzon March
1916-17 WW1 Dutch - Broodkaart en bonboekje der gemeente Rotterdam 1916 - Bonboekje der Gemeente Rotterdam 1917 - Broodkaart Gemeente Rotterdam 2 losse bonnen ------------------------------ Translation of the above: 1916 - Coupon booklet of the Municipality of Rotterdam 1917 - Bread card Municipality of Rotterdam 2 loose coupons
2 x 24 Uren, Mobilisatie Bladmuziek Gezongen door Tini Lavell In goede staat verkerende bladmuziek uit de mobilisatietijd. Zie: EERSTE COUPLET: We leven in een tijd van de soldaten. Er zit rats, kug en boonen in de lucht. Het burgerpak hangt vast. Heel netjes in de kast. En geen onwill\'ge boordenknoop. Bezorgt ons nu meer last. Het optimisme heeft ons niet verlaten. Een Nederlander is niet gauw beducht. Wij werken allen mee. Ter land en ook ter zee. Brengt arm en rijk. Nu in praktijk. Ons fier JE MAINTIENDRAI. Wij willen ons land vrij. Dus dienen hoort erbij. Maar als we met verlof gaan. Zijn we als een kind zo blij. Want legt de Sergeant-majoor. Ons de verlofpas voor. Zegt heel het stel. Ik dank je wel en we gaan er fijn vandoor. TWEE MAAL VIERENTWINTIG UREN. Vrij van marcheren en wacht. Langer kan het feest niet duren. Want dan roept de plicht: geef acht!
23rd Indian Divisional Formation Batch 23rd Indian Divisional Formation Batch. Worn on the left sleeve, Stil in a good condition,
A Boar War/WW1 \'Shut Up\' Cabinetta bed A Boar War/WW1 'Shut Up' Cabinetta bed with wooden accordion frame which folds up and converts to a seat or table. Inside lid contains the original label, reading, Cabinetta, W & S Trademark, Reg. Number 671701/3-682827. The bed is in good used condition and is still in working order. There are two canvas straps designed to hold the headboard in place when opened out and to use as a handle for easier carrying of the bed. Both straps torn off at the onnection point to the wood Please contact us before placing the order due to the high postage costs
A rare copy of Mein kampf 1937 in two volumes still in original cardboard box. Notice! For historical purposes only. Mein Kampf Adolf Hitler 2 volumes paperback edition from 1937 with dust jacket. They were found inside the original cardboard box slip case. The cardboard box is fragile but has kept both books well through time. The dust covers are still very nice with some minor damage here and there. All in all, a well-preserved set of books. Title: 'Mein Kampf' by Adolf Hitler in two volumes 1937 Author: Adolf Hitler Format/Binding: Softcover with dust jacket Book Condition: Used but very good Jacket Condition: Very Good Binding: Paperback Publisher: Zentralverlag der NSDAP. Franz Eher Nachf., Munchen Place Of Publication: Germany, Munich Date Published: 1937
A.F.V. Recognition - British & Allied Turreted A.F.Vs. - Part 1 Sept, 1942 A.F.V. Recognition - British & Allied Turreted A.F.Vs. - Part 1 September 1942. A.F.V. Stand for Armoured Fighting Vehicle. Pages 103-109 describes Enemy A.F.V. Characteristics. The rest of this pamphlet is about turreted A.F.Vs. with which British and Allied armoured units are equipt with. Nice booklet about tank recognition. Reason of publication is made clear by the following quote from the introduction: Battles are more often than not won or lost by small margins. A small section of a defensive position may be broken if those who man it mistake attacking enemy A.F.Vs. for their own. Similarly, an allied tank counter-attack may be shattered by being mistaken for enemy tanks by our own troops. Fromer owner of this copy was Lieut. Angelino, 100 RAC OCTU (Royal Armoured Corps, Officer Cadet Training Unit ), Sandhurst. Booklet is in a good used condition.
Aanwijzingen 725 - Aanwijzingen voor de Opleiding der Infanterie - Hoofdstuk IV - de Mitrailleurcompagnie - Dutch Army Instructions 725 - for Infantry Training - Chapter IV - The Machine Gun Company Nederlands voorschrift aanwijzingen voor de opleiding der infanterie, hoofdstuk 4 en 5. De mitrailleur compagnie. Het boekje behandeld onder andere de zware schwarzlose mitrailleur. Het boekje verkeerd in een zeer goede staat en staat op naam. Het boekje is uitgegeven in 1929. Dutch prescription instructions for the training of the infantry, chapters 4 and 5. The machine gun company. The booklet deals with, among other things, the heavy black machine gun. The booklet is in very good condition and is registered. The booklet was published in 1929.
Acte uit 1795 in de tijd van de Bataafse Republiek, aanstelling tot Tweede Lieutenant - 1795 Document in time of the Batavian Republic, appointment as Second Lieutenant. Acte gedateerd 6 October 1795 waarin N. van der Wijk te 's Gravenhage aangesteld en gecommitteerd wordt tot Tweede Lieutenant. De acte bevat twee opgedrukte zegels. en is ondertekend door Mr. H.J. Stavenisse Pous en Boudewijn Donker Curtius. Mr. H.J. Stavenisse Pous was in de tijd voor de Bataafse Republiek (1795) Luitenant Generaal van het Regiment Cavalerie. Daarna werd hij lid Comité tot de Algemene Zaken van het Bondgenootschap te Lande, van 16 maart 1795 tot 5 november 1795. Boudewijn Donker Curtius was een bekend jurist en politicus in de Bataafs-Franse tijd. Hij begon zijn loopbaan als advocaat te Den Bosch, maar zou uiteindelijk in de landelijke politiek en de rechtspraak terechtkomen. Hij was patriot in Den Bosch tijdens de verovering van die stad door de Fransen in 1794. Hij kwam in de landspolitiek, werd de hoogste rechter onder Lodewijk Napoleon, Lebrun, de Franse prefecten en de regering in Parijs tijdens de Franse inlijving. __________________ Document dated October 6, 1795 in which N. van der Wijk in The Hague is appointed and committed as Second Lieutenant. The document contains two printed stamps. and is signed by Mr H.J. Stavenisse Pous and Boudewijn Donker Curtius. Mr. H.J. Stavenisse Pous was at the time befor the Batavian Republic (1795) Lieutenant General of the Regiment Cavalerie. Later he became a member of the General Affairs Committee of the Land Alliance from March 16, 1795 to November 5, 1795. Boudewijn Donker Curtius was a well-known lawyer and politician in the Batavian-French era. He started his career as a lawyer in Den Bosch, but would eventually end up in national politics and the judiciary. He was a patriot in Den Bosch during the conquest of that city by the French in 1794. He entered national politics, became the highest judge under Louis Napoleon, Lebrun, the French prefects and the government in Paris during the French annexation.
Advertising booklet \"Bommen op Nederland\" 1943. Advertising booklet "Bommen op Nederland". This advertisement is about fire extinguishers that one could use in case of fire after a bombing raid. Advertentie folder "Bommen op Nederland". Deze advertentie gaat over brandblussers die men zou kunnen gebruiken bij brand na een bombardement.
Aerial photo Schiedam (Rotterdam harbor - Wilhelminahaven) 15 March 1945 The photo shows Wiltonhaven, Wilhelminahaven and the Nieuwe Maas. Size: 20 x 23 cm The photo was made by 542 Sqn., they flew with Supermarine Spitfires. No. 542 Squadron RAF was a Royal Air Force Squadron formed as a photographic reconnaissance squadron in World War II. During the Second World War, Wilton-Fijenoord built several submarines for the German Kriegsmarine. During that time, the yard expanded its workforce from 4,000 to 6,500 people, while other yards in Rotterdam and Schiedam reduced their activities. After the war, the Wilton management was imprisoned for their extensive collaboration. Image no 2 and 3 clearly shows hits from Allied bombings. Image no 4. Aerial photo 1945 along with the situation in google maps in 2020 Image no.5. Aerial photo 1945 along with the Map of Vlaarsingen and Rotterdam 1: 25000 1st edition 1944 (Army Map Service. U.S. Army. Washington. D.C. 130087 1944. __________________________________ De foto toont Wiltonhaven, Wilhelminahaven en de Nieuwe Maas. Maat: 20 x 23 cm De foto is gemaakt door 542 Sqn., Ze vlogen met Supermarine Spitfires. 542 Squadron RAF was een Royal Air Force Squadron gevormd als een fotografisch verkenningssquadron in de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog bouwde Wilton-Fijenoord diverse onderzeeboten voor de Duitse Kriegsmarine. In die tijd breidde de werf het personeelsbestand uit van 4.000 tot 6.500 man, terwijl andere werven in Rotterdam en Schiedam hun activiteiten inkrompen. Na de oorlog werd de Wilton-directie gevangengezet vanwege hun vergaande collaboratie. Op afbeelding 2 en 3 zijn duidelijk treffers van geallieerde bombardementen te zien. Afbeelding nr.4. Luchtfoto 1945 samen met de situatie in google maps in 2020 Afbeelding nr.5. Luchtfoto 1945 samen met de kaart van Vlaardingen en Rotterdam 1: 25000 1e editie 1944 (Army Map Service. U.S. Army. Washington. D.C. 130087 1944.
Africa Service Medal - Afrika Diens Medalje - Named T. C. Baker The Africa Service Medal was a South African campaign medal for service in World War Two and was awarded in addition to the British stars and medals issued for the war. The medal was granted to members of the Union Defence Forces, the South African Police, and the South African Railways Police. The award of this silver medal was approved by His Majesty the King on 16th November, 1943. This medal is named T. C. Baker Army number: 187590
AFV Recognition - Enemy turreted AFVs. - Part II. July 1943 AFV Recognition - Enemy turreted AFVs. - Part II. July 1943 A.F.V. Stand for Armoured Fighting Vehicle. This pamphlet is a supplementary to Part 1 (British & Allied turreted A.F.Vs.) and is designed to give information regarding the detail of enemy armoured cars and tanks that are likely to be encountered at this stage of the war. Fromer owner of this copy was Lieut. Angelino, 100 RAC OCTU (Royal Armoured Corps, Officer Cadet Training Unit ), Sandhurst Booklet is in a good used condition.
Air Raid Precautions - Stretcher Party Unit Photograph A nice photograph of a Air Raid Precautions - Stretcher Party Unit. Size: 25 x 20 cm (9.84 x 7.87 inch). These men were responsible to extricating casualties out of bombed buildings and transporting them either to First Aid Posts or to ambulances for conveyance to the nearest hospital.
Alfons Mauquoy Graven van de terechtgestelden H. Van Bergen - Z.E.H.F. Moons - H.J. Jespers - A. Naelaerts- A. Wattiez - J.J. Leroy - A.F. Boel - E. Mariën - K.F. Van Buynder - J. Loncke - T. K. Maes - L. De Looze - A.T. Smekens - J.B. De Ridder.
Allie Leaflet - WARNUNG An die Deutsche Zivilbevolkerung im Rheinland und im Ruhrgebiet: Title frontpage: WARNUNG An die Deutsche Zivilbevolkerung im Rheinland und im Ruhrgebiet: Title back: Alliiertes Oberkommando Publicationdate: September 1944 K-number: W.G.10 Language: German Origin: Allied Total pages: 2 Condition: very good
Allied Cherbourg Surrendering Leaflet 1944 - Rare Allied ropaganda leaflet printed in the German language. Printed on both sides. Dropped by Allied planes urging Germans to surrender. Part of the text: German soldier: we promise you neither utopias nor a land of milk and honey if you end up in prison. But you can count on the following things: Fair treatment, Good food, First class medical care, Writing opportunities, Salary, Education, You will come home at the end of the war.
Allied Leaflet - ..Züm Tode verürteilt Adolf Hitler Allied Leaflet. Title frontpage: ..Züm Tode verürteilt Adolf Hitler Title back: So fiel Aachen Publicationdate: November 1944. K-number: CT-13. Language: German. Origin: Allied. Total pages: 2. Condition is good, although the leaflet is wrinkled. Cause: shot over by a (propaganda)rocket.
Allied Leaflet - 1. August 1944 Title frontpage: 1. August 1944 An den Fronten 4 100 000 gefallene Soldaten. In der Heimat 10 000 000 Bombengeschadigte. Schluss! Title back: - Publicationdate: August 1944 K-number: - Language: German Origin: Allied Total pages: 1 (8.5 x 5 cm) Condition: Excellent
Allied Leaflet - 100.000 Mark Belohnung! Nacht-licher Frauenmord Title frontpage: 100.000 Mark Belohnung! Nacht-licher Frauenmord Title back: - Publicationdate: October 1943 K-number: - Language: German Origin: Allied Total pages: 1 Condition: Small crack at the bottom. "(449" written top-right
Allied Leaflet - Adolf Hitler als Feldherr Title frontpage: Adolf Hitler als Feldherr Title back: - Publicationdate: June 1943 K-number: G.34 Language: German Origin: Allied Total pages: 4 Condition: Fair. Leaflet has a crack on the right side and has been folded.
Allied Leaflet - An die zivilbevolkerung der deutschen Industriegebiete Title frontpage: An die zivilbevolkerung der deutschen Industriegebiete Title back: - Publicationdate: September 1943 K-number: G.69 Language: German Origin: Allied Total pages: 2 Condition: Good but used condition
Allied Leaflet - Arbeiter von Ruhr und Rhein! Title back: ......Darum: Title frontpage: Arbeiter von Ruhr und Rhein! Title back: ......Darum: Publicationdate: October 1944 K-number: WG - 11 Language: German Origin: Allied Total pages: 2 Condition: Excellent
Allied Leaflet - Atlantikfront Title frontpage: Atlantikfront Title back: Ruhrfront Publicationdate: July 1943 K-number: G.47 Language: German Origin: Allied Total pages: 2 Condition: Fair - Two perforation holes and two cracks
Allied Leaflet - Aus der letzten April-Woche 1942 Title frontpage: Aus der letzten April-Woche 1942 Title back: Large text Publicationdate: May 1942 K-number: G.24 Language: German Origin: Allied Total pages: 2 Condition: Good - Very small piece missing in top right corner Extra information: Written with pencil in Dutch "± 20 Juni gevonden bij Boxmeer op de hei." (Found on the heath at Boxmeer on ± June 20th."
Allied Leaflet - Belogen und Betrogen! Title frontpage: Belogen und Betrogen! Title back: Auf was hofft Ihr noch? Publicationdate: August 1943 K-number: G. 59 Language: German Origin: Allied Total pages: 2 Condition: Good but used.
Allied leaflet - Conseils aux Francais Title frontpage: Conseils aux Francais Title back: - Publicationdate: April 1943 K-number: F.54 Language: French Origin: Allied Total pages: 2 Condition: Nice, leaflet has been folded. Small damage right under corner due to tape or stamp. Some writing on the leaflet too, numbers on both sides.
Allied Leaflet - Das find Eure Fuhrer! Title frontpage: Das find Eure Fuhrer! Title back: Die Amerikanische Presse Publicationdate: September 1939 K-number: 158 Language: German Origin: Allied Total pages: 2 Condition: Very good
Allied Leaflet - Das Leben eines U-bootmanns Title frontpage: Das Leben eines U-bootmanns Title back: Freiwillige fur die U-bootwaffe vor! Publicationdate: March 1942 K-number: G.9x Language: German Origin: Allied Total pages: 4 Condition: Nice used condition, leaflet has been folded
Allied Leaflet - Der Fuhrer spricht! Title frontpage: Der Fuhrer spricht! Title back: Der Fuhrer spricht! Publicationdate: November 1939 K-number: 288 Language: German Origin: Allied Total pages: 2 Condition: Very nice used condition
Allied Leaflet - Deutschland nach dem Krieg Title frontpage: Deutschland nach dem Krieg Title back: Deutschland nach dem Krieg Publicationdate: May 1943 K-number: G.29 Language: German Origin: Allied Total pages: 2 Condition: Very good - One perforation hole
Allied Leaflet - Die Blaze Platzt! Title frontpage: Die Blaze Platzt! Title back: (Rest of the text) Publicationdate: Auugust 1943 K-number: G.55 Language: German Origin: Allied Total pages: 2 Condition: poor
Allied Leaflet - Die Nüchterne wahrheit über Kriegsgefangenschaft Title frontpage: Die Nüchterne wahrheit über Kriegsgefangenschaft Title back: - Publicationdate: August 1944 K-number: ZG.20 Language: German Origin: Allied Total pages: 2 Condition: The leaflet is wrinkled. Cause: shot over by a (propaganda)rocket. Few very small damages (no text lost) for the same reason.
Allied Leaflet - Een korte biographie van Mussert Title frontpage: Een korte biographie van Mussert Title back: BOLS blijft onveranderd van kwaliteit! Publicationdate: May 1944 K-number: - Language: Dutch Origin: Allied Total pages: 64 Condition: Fair
Allied Leaflet - Eine Minute di Dir das Leben Retten Kann Title frontpage: Eine Minute die Dir das Leben Retten Kann Title back: Was ist zu tun? Publicationdate: March 1944 K-number: Z.G.115 Language: German Origin: Allied Total pages: 2 Condition: Nice but used
Allied Leaflet - Gedanken des Fuhrers uber die Waffen SS Title frontpage: Gedanken des Fuhrers uber die Waffen SS Title back: Hitlers Freibrief fur die SS Publicationdate: August 1942 K-number: G. 42 Language: German Origin: Allied Total pages: 2 Condition: Good but used.
Allied Leaflet - Gemeinsame Erklarung der Britischen und Amerikanischen Regierung Title frontpage: Gemeinsame Erklarung der Britischen und Amerikanischen Regierung Title back: An das deutschen Volk Publicationdate: August 1941 K-number: 521 Language: German Origin: Allied Total pages: 2 Condition: Used, small crack left side.
Allied Leaflet - Illustrierte Geschichte zweier Welkriege Title frontpage: Illustrierte Geschichte zweier Welkriege Title back: Kein Vowurf ist schwer genug, den man den leitenden Instanzen machen muss ........ Publicationdate: January 1943 K-number: GI Language: German Origin: Allied Total pages: 40 Condition: Excellent If you like to have pictures of the other pages, please mail us
Allied Leaflet - Im Westen: Nach Rundstedts Verzweiflungsoffensive: Allied Leaflet. Title frontpage: Im Westen: Nach Rundstedts Verzweiflungsoffensive: Title back: Ergebnis der Krim-Konferenz. Publicationdate: February 1945. K-number: WG. 37. Language: German. Origin: Allied. Total pages: 2. Condition: Good, Leaflet has been folded. Some small mud stains on the back.
Allied Leaflet - Italiani! Title frontpage: Italiani! Title back: Italiani! Publicationdate: ? K-number: 452 Language: Italian Origin: Allied Total pages: 2 Condition: Nice , few stains, leaflet has been folded.
Allied Leaflet - La Maledizione di Garibaldi Title frontpage: La Maledizione di Garibaldi Title back: State combattendo contro la causa di Garibaldi Publicationdate: January 1942 K-number: 761 Language: Italian Origin: Allied Total pages: 2 Condition: Very nice, bottom-right corner folded, two very small damages, no text lost.
Allied Leaflet - Luftpost No. 16 Title frontpage - Luftpost No. 16 Publicationdate: September 2nd, 1941 K-number: 510/xvi Language: German Total pages: 4 Condition: Very good Very rare leaflet!
Allied Leaflet - Luftschutzpolizeiamt Folge1232, Klasse C2. Title frontpage: Luftschutzpolizeiamt Folge1232, Klasse C2. Title back: - Publicationdate: January 1944 K-number: - Language: German Origin: Allied Total pages: 1 Condition: Nice Extra info: According to Sefton Delmer (Brititsh propaganda specialist in WWII) the victoms on de photographs are British.
Allied Leaflet - L\'Amerique en Guerre no, 101 Title frontpage: L'Amerique en Guerre no, 101 Title back: - Publicationdate: May 10, 1944 K-number: U.S.F. 112 Language: French Origin: Allied Total pages: 4 Condition: Very nice
Allied Leaflet - Nachrichten für die Truppe - Nr. 340, Donnerstag 22 März 1945 Title frontpage: Nachrichten für die Truppe - Nr. 340, Donnerstag 22 März 1945 Title back: - Publicationdate: March 22nd, 1945 K-number: - Language: German Origin: Allied Total pages: 4 Condition: Used
Allied Leaflet - Nachrichten für die Truppe - Nr. 361, Donnerstag 12 April 1945 Title frontpage: Nachrichten für die Truppe - Nr. 361, Donnerstag 12 April 1945 Title back: - Publicationdate: April 12th, 1945 K-number: - Language: German Origin: Allied Total pages: 4 Condition: Very nice used condition
Allied Leaflet - Nachrichten für die Truppe - Nr. 362, Freitag 13 April 1945 Title frontpage: Nachrichten für die Truppe - Nr. 362, Freitag 13 April 1945 Title back: - Publicationdate: April 13th, 1945 K-number: - Language: German Origin: Allied Total pages: 4 Condition: Very nice used condition
Allied Leaflet - Nachrichten für die Truppe - Nr. 374, Donnerstag 26 April 1945 Title frontpage: Nachrichten für die Truppe - Nr. 374, Donnerstag 26 April 1945 Title back: - Publicationdate: April 26th, 1945 K-number: - Language: German Origin: Allied Total pages: 3 Condition: Used. Tear in the front page
Allied Leaflet - Oproep aan Nederland\'s Studeerende Jeugd Title frontpage: Oproep aan Nederland's Studeerende Jeugd Title back: Large text Publicationdate: April 1943 K-number: H.5 Language: Dutch Origin: Allied Total pages: 2 Condition: Fair - Very small cut right side, two perforation holes
Allied Leaflet - Parole der Woche Nr.20/1944 Title frontpage: Parole der Woche Nr.20/1944 "Wenn sie erklaren, sie werden unsere Stadte in groɮem Ausmaɮ angreifen - Wir werden ihre Stadte ausradieren." Adolf Hitler 4 September 1940 Title back: - Publicationdate: June 1944 K-number: 0155 Language: German Origin: Allied Total pages: 1 (10 x 7,5 cm) Condition: Very nice
Allied Leaflet - PROKLAMATION Nr.1 Title frontpage: PROKLAMATION Nr.1 Title back: Churchill / Roosevelt Publicationdate: October 1944 K-number: WG12 Language: German Origin: Allied Total pages: 2 Condition: Good, one corner damaged
Allied Leaflet - Rettet Euch! Und Ihr rettet Deutschland Title frontpage: Rettet Euch! Und Ihr rettet Deutschland Title back: Übersicht - Kalender Publicationdate: 1944 K-number: Z.G. 72 K. Language: German Origin: Allied Total pages: 2 Condition: fair, some adhesive residue on back of the leaflet, probably from a srapbook.
Allied Leaflet - Roosevelt hat Euch gewarnt! Title frontpage: Roosevelt hat Euch gewarnt! Title back: Nicht Euer Kind Publicationdate: January 1941 K-number: 471 Language: German Origin: Allied Total pages: 2 Condition: Used. perforation hole top-middle
Allied Leaflet - Roosevelt verkundet: \"Unbeschrankter Nationaler Notstand! Title frontpage: Roosevelt verkundet: "Unbeschrankter Nationaler Notstand! Title back: Englands Kriegsziele! Publicationdate: June 1941 K-number: 512 Language: German Origin: Allied Total pages: 2 Condition: Nice used condition
Allied Leaflet - Soldaten Antworten! Allied Leaflet. Title frontpage: Soldaten Antworten! Title back: Einer Gegen Neun Publicationdate: December 1944. K-number: W.G.24. Language: German. Origin: Allied. Total pages: 2. Condition: fair, Leaflet is well used. Probably somebody kept is in his pocket or wallet for a while.
Allied Leaflet - Sowjet Panzer - in richtung Berlin Title frontpage: Sowjet Panzer - in richtung Berlin Title back: Was ist zu tun? Publicationdate: February 1945 K-number: WG 33 Language: German Origin: Allied Total pages: 2 Condition: Good
Allied Leaflet - Vi vil vinde - UD AT SE MED D.S.B Title frontpage: Vi vil vinde - UD AT SE MED D.S.B Title back: - Publicationdate: March 1944, number 11 K-number: D4 Language: Danish Origin: Allied Total pages: 32 Condition: Very good Please mail us if you would like to view scans of the other pages.
Allied Leaflet - Volksfeinde am Werk! Title frontpage: Volksfeinde am Werk! Title back: Feldzugsplan der Nationalsozialistischen Hausfrau Publicationdate: July 1940 K-number: 417 Language: German Origin: Allied Total pages: 2 Condition: Very nice, few stains, leaflet has been folded
Allied Leaflet - WAARSCHUWING!! - Extremely rare Allied Leaflet - WAARSCHUWING!! VOOR DE Nederlandse Burgerbevolking In Het Gebied: GEITENKAMP ("WARNING!! Dutch citizens in the area GEITENKAMP!") Spread by Allied propaganda grenades in the night of April 10/11, 1945 to inform residents, who lived in the Arnhem area "Geitenkamp". 12 Hours after the distribution of this leaflet the area would be heavily bombed with grenades. Good, although the leaflet is burned and wrinkled. Cause: shot over by a (propaganda) rocket. Complete translation of Dutch text available.
Allied Leaflet - Warnung GroBbritannien an das Deutsche Volk Title frontpage: Warnung GroBbritannien an das Deutsche Volk Title back: !!!Warnung!!! Publicationdate: September 1939 K-number: 273 Language: German Origin: Allied Total pages: 2 Condition: good, has been folded, very small damage on the left side.
Allied Leaflet - Warnung! Title frontpage: Warnung! Title back: Warnung! Publicationdate: 1939 K-number: 276 Language: German Origin: Allied Total pages: 2 Condition: Very nice used condition
Allied Leaflet - Warschau Rotterdam Belgrad Lubeck Koln Dusseldorf Title frontpage: Warschau Rotterdam Belgrad Lubeck Koln Dusseldorf Title back: Denk bei jeder Bombe dran: Das fing Adolf Hitler an! Publicationdate: October 1942 K-number: G.56 Language: German Origin: Allied Total pages: 2 Condition: Nice used condition, leaflet has been folded
Allied Leaflet - WARSCHAU ROTTERDAM BELGRAD LÜBECK ROSTOCK KÖLN Allied Leaflet. Title frontpage: WARSCHAU ROTTERDAM BELGRAD LÜBECK ROSTOCK KÖLN Title back: Wie viele sind in Russland gefallen? Publicationdate: June 1942 K-number: G.36 Language: German. Origin: Allied. Total pages: 2. Condition: Good
Allied Leaflet - Warschau Rotterdam Belgrad Lubeck Rostock Koln Title frontpage: Warschau Rotterdam Belgrad Lubeck Rostock Koln Title back: Wer hat gesagt - "Vor allem werde ich dafur sorgen, dass der Feind keine Bomben werfen kann Publicationdate: June 1942 K-number: G.35 Language: German Origin: Allied Total pages: 2 Condition: Nice used condition. "Z.O.Z." written on back (In Dutch it means 'Zie Omme Zijde', in English 'See overleaf').
Allied Leaflet - Was die Welt Deutschland verdankt: Title frontpage: Was die Welt Deutschland verdankt: Title back: Totale Krieg gegen Schwächere tat Euch ja nicht weh! Publicationdate: July 1941 K-number: 519 Language: German Origin: Allied Total pages: 2 Condition: Excellent
Allied Leaflet - Was kann man tun? Title frontpage: Was kann man tun? Title back: Eisenhower gegen Himmler! Publicationdate: March 1945 K-number: W.G.38 Language: German Origin: Allied Total pages: 2 Condition: The leaflet is wrinkled. Cause: shot over by a (propaganda)rocket. Few very small damages (no text lost) for the same reason.
Allied Leaflet - Wer sind die Plutokraten? Title frontpage: Wer sind die Plutokraten? Title back: Gestapolen Publicationdate: 1940 K-number: 333 Language: German Origin: Allied Total pages: 2 Condition: Very nice used condition
Allied Leaflet - Wir schlagen zuruck Title frontpage: Wir schlagen zuruck Title back: Totaler Krieg gegen Schwachere tat Euch nicht weh Publicationdate: March 1941 K-number: 480 Language: German Origin: Allied Total pages: 2 Condition: Fair
Allied Leaflet - \"Wollt ihr den totalen Krieg?\" Title frontpage: "Wollt ihr den totalen Krieg?" Title back: "Die natürliche und friedvolle Entwicklung des deutschen Volkes" Publicationdate: March 1944 K-number: USG.34 Language: German Origin: Allied Total pages: 2 Condition: Very Good
Allied Leaflet - \'Alle mannen of volkeren die tegen het nazidom strijden, zullen wij bestaan. alle mannen of volkeren die met Hitler samengaan, zijn onze vijanden\' CHURCHILL Title frontpage: 'Alle mannen of volkeren die tegen het nazidom strijden, zullen wij bestaan. alle mannen of volkeren die met Hitler samengaan, zijn onze vijanden' CHURCHILL Title back: CHURCHILL (Vervolg) Als Hitler denkt, dat zijn aanval op Soviet-Rusland de krachtinspanning ….. Publicationdate: July 1941 K-number: 725/M Language: Dutch Origin: Allied (Dutch government in the UK) Total pages: 2 Condition: Good, one of the topcorners damaged. wrinkles on the right side.
Allied Leaflet - \'Wij zullen deze strijd winnen\' Proclamatie van H.M. de Koningin\' Title frontpage: 'Wij zullen deze strijd winnen' Proclamatie van H.M. de Koningin' The back starts with the text 'RIJKSGENOOTEN' Publicationdate: December 1941 K-number: 736 Language: Dutch Origin: Allied (Dutch government in the UK) Total pages: 2 Condition: Good leaflet has two perforation holes and has been folded.
Allied Surrender Propaganda grenade Leaflet: SALUT ZUM VIERTEN JULI. Propaganda leaflet shot by a grenade to the German lines with surrender rules. Salute zum vierten Juli/Salute to the Fourth oSoldat.enpart of German text on leaflet: Unsere Soldaten kennen diese Anweisungen. Wie alle guten Soldaten sind sie auf der Hut gegen Hinterlist. Aber wie alle guten Soldaten wissen sie auch, wann sie nicht schiessen muessen. Translation: Our soldiers know these instructions. Like all good soldiers, they are on guard against deceit. But like all good soldiers, they also know when not to shoot.
AM Diagram 1224 - Browning .303in. Gun Mk.II - 1943 AM Diagram 1224 - Browning .303in. Gun Mk.II - 1943 Nice poster in a very good condition. Gives detailed information of gun. These posters were used by the air ministry in the classrooms during the theoretical lessons to air force personnel such as pilots, air gunners etc. so they knew the theoretical side of the browning machine gun. Size: 113 x 87 cm. Poster has been folded.
American Defense Service Medal The American Defense Service Medal was a military award of the United States Armed Forces, established by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, on June 28, 1941. The medal was intended to recognize those military service members who had served on active duty between September 8, 1939, and December 7, 1941.
ARMY BOOK 412 - Renault Juvaquatre - Dutch War Department ARMY BOOK 412 FOR MECHANICAL TRANSPORT VEHICLES OTHER THAN MOTOR-CYCLES - Renault Juvaquatre - Dutch War Department. Page 2 filled in by Lieutenant v. Leeuwen M.T.O. Officer and stamed with the Departement van Oorlog (War Department) stamp on March 23, 1945.
Arnhem 50th Anniversary Commemorative Medal Arnhem 50th Anniversary Commemorative Medal Country: Great Britain Base metal Text obverse: \"THE ARNHEM 50th ANNIVERSARY MEDAL 1994\". Text reverse: - A commemorative full-size medal specially struck to honour the 50th Anniversary of the Airborn drop at Arnhem during WW2. A winged pegasus on one side and the bridges of Arnhem on the other. With Airborne colours on the ribbon. Made by Spink and Son.
ATS numbered Silver lapel badge A hard to find badge created in the early days of the ATS. In 1939 at the outbreak of war, there was a huge influx of girls wanting to join the ATS. It was soon discovered that there were just not enought uniforms to go around! So for a short time, the army issued the girls a small silver lapel badge to wear upon civilian clothing to show that they were new members of the Army. These badges were made from silver and had a vertical pin. Each badge was numbered. But this was an accountability number and did not correspond to the girls army serial number. The badge is in a very good condition. Width 21 mm. Height 23 mm
Battle of Britain Pilot of P/O J. R. B. Meaker - London News Press (L.N.P.) Press Photo Nice photo of Battle Pilot James Reginald Bryan Meaker, made by the London News Press (L.N.P). Meaker shared in the destruction of a Me110 on 27th September. On this day he was shot down by return fire from a Ju88. He baled out but fell dead at Warren Field, Brightling Park. His Hurricane, P3834, crashed at Brake Field, Giffords Farm, Dallington. On the reverse is written: Supplied L.N.A. Fighter Pilots who are defending Britain. A typical pilot of a fither squadron. Described with bluecolored pencil: LP500 R.A.F. Fighter Squadron. Please see for more information.
Beautiful decorative plate of Ypenburg airport. Beautiful decorative plate of Ypenburg airport. On the plate is a B-25 Mitchell and is dated Sept 15th. 1945.
Belgium: Medal of the Resistance 1940-1945 Belgium: Medal of the Resistance 1940-1945. This medal was instituted on February 16, 1946 for the award to all members of the armed resistance and to members of the intelligence service operating in occupied territory. België, Medaille van het gewapend verzet 1940-1945. Deze medaille werd ingesteld op 16 februari 1946 voor uitreiking aan alle leden van de gewapende weerstand en aan leden van de inlichtingendienst welke in bezet gebied opereerden.
Binocular Volgens het productienummer 686247 stamt hij uit 1916. Het is waarschijnlijk een 6X30, een zeer courante maat uit die tijd. Dat tweede getal is de opening in mm. De exacte opening 30, 40 0f 50mm kun je uiteraard aan de voorkant even opmeten. De vergroting is 6X. Een heel bruikbare vergroting op een stampend en bewegend schip. The Marineglas is a military analogue of a "civilian" model Silvamar with similar characteristics. It is the first binocular model with 30mm lenses. The device turned out to be very successful, with high aperture ratio, plasticity and large field of view, that is why it became popular in the army. Although the name of this device is translated as the "sea glass", it was not widely used in the German Navy: only some batches entered the fleet. The Marineglas was produced from 1907/08 and up to 1917 with various modifications. Later the binocular name was changed to D.F.6x30. The Marineglas was produced in several design versions starting from 1907/08 and up to 1917: 1st version: the one, where the lower prismatic cover and the lens frame cap are made as one component (starting from 1907/1908 and up to 1909) and having the eyepieces case with the “transverse” knurling. 2nd version: the one with long double-ring type lens frames, leather-covered and with a short case (starting from 1909/10 and up to 1911); 3rd version: the one with short double-ring type lens frames (starting from 1911 and up to 1913/14); 4th version: the one with rounded objective covers (starting from 1913/14 and up to 1917 in two versions: with the grooves to minimize stray light and without them) and The binocular’s “military" application is proved by the large diameter of the central hinge clamp (lock) (see photo). The interpupillary distances scale is indicated on the upper hinge disk. This rare binocular specimen belongs to the first design version (see above). The eyepieces’ base diameter is equal to 24.5 mm, the eyepieces’ front lens diameter is equal to 13.3 mm. The eyepieces have a diopter scale and the transverse knurling. The goniometric grid is mounted in the right eyepiece (see photo). The upper prism covers are made of brass and are fixed to the body with the help of three screws. The prism covers’ width is equal to 52 mm (see photo). The binocular’s body height (including the upper prism cover) is equal to 77 mm. There are inscriptions “Carl Zeiss Jena” on the left prism cover. There is also an inscription “Marineglas 136978 6x” on the right prism cover. The inscription is made in block letters with the help of silver alloy on the background of Carl Zeiss Tessar photo lens schematic image. The binocular’s coffer has features peculiar to military coffers of that period (see HansT.Seeger. ZeissHandfernlaser 1919-1946, Modelle-Merkmale-Mythos, pp. 607-627): namely, the remains of a carrying handle on the top cover, specific rivets, wide loop for attaching the coffer to a waist belt (see photo). The binocular serial number is "136978" and it was manufactured in 1908 a small 200 pieces batch. The binocular "civilian" analogs, the Silvamar 6x models, can be checked by the following link:
Blank special stamp receipt 1944. Adolf Hitler\'s 55th Birthday. Blank special stamp receipt 1944. Used to commemorate Hitler's 55th Birthday on April 20th 1944. Germany, the Third Reich.
Blue Jackets Manual, 1940 This is a nice 1940 edition with the early weapons and all the color plates of the international warflags, types of ammunition and some weaponry.
Boiled Sweets Tin B & CO 2/43 Nice emty boiled sweets tin. 6 ozs net. B & CO. Packet 2/43 B & CO was the abbrivistion of Barratt & Co., Ltd., Manufacturing Confectioners in Wood Green, UK.
Book - En campagne, tableaux et dessins de A. de Neuville. Very nice old book (1890) with beautiful paintings of the Franco German War 1870-1871 Author: Richard, Jules (1825-1899) (Author of the text). Publisher: Boussod, Valadon et Cie Paris & L. Baschet Paris. Date of publication: approx. 1890 The images were created by three painters: - Neuville, Alphonse de (1836-1885). - Meissonier, Ernest (1815-1891). - Detaille, Édouard (1848-1912). Subject: Military history -- France -- 19th century Condition: slight wear to the cardboard with dirt and stains, small rubbing, uniformly yellowed paper, light dirt on the endpaper, some rare dirt and foxing in the text, otherwise good condition. . Weight: 1.4 kg
Book, Deutsche Soldaten - Uniforms, Equipment and Personal Items of the German Soldier 1939-45 Deutsche Soldaten - Uniforms, Equipment and Personal Items of the German Soldier 1939-45 Author(s): Augustin Sàiz Language: English Format: Hard cover Pages: 311 Publisher: Andrea Press ISBN: 978984-9665-12-7
Booklet - Einführung in die Aerodynamik Flieger-Stabsing. Dipl.-Ing. K. Haarmann Einführung in die Aerodynamik Published 1935, Franz Heß Druckerei und Verlag, Braunschweig Size:147 x 208 mm - 24 pages - 33 drawings Good condition
Booklet Attack & Defence - Unarmed Combat in Pictures - 1942 Booklet Attack & Defence - Unarmed Combat in Pictures. Printed in 1942 by Longmans Green and Co., Ltd. These booklets were also used for training of the special forces. Nice well used condition.
Booklet Browning Heavy Machine Gun .300 Calibre Model 1917 Booklet about the Browning Heavy Machine Gun .300 Calibre Model 1917 (Water Cooled) Mechanism Made Easy Published by Gale & Polden Ltd, Aldershot The middle page is separated from the staples. Date 1942. 32 pages. 14 b/w photographs In a nice used condition.
Booklet Combat Without Weapons by Capt. Hartley Leather, R.C.A. - 1942 Booklet Combat Without Weapons by Capt. Hartley Leather, R.C.A. Printed in 1942 by Gale & Polden Ltd. Adershot. These booklets were also used for training of the special forces. Nice used condition.
Booklet of A.J.W. Wijting (Dutch resistance, Engelandvaarder and 62 and 322 Sqn. Pilot) The Rocket Racket - An A.B.C. of Rocket Projectile Firing A.J.W. Wijting (1925-1986): In the second world war he joined the resistance. However, he was eager to do more and traveled to England in 1942. there he applied to be trained as a pilot with the R.A.F. In 1944 he obtained his flight license in Canada. He joined 62 Sqn. equipped with spitfires and P-51 Mustangs. Later he joined the 322 (Dutch) sqn. From 1973 to 1980 he was the highest military adviser in the Netherlands When he arrived in England they did not know what to do with the name Wijting, so it became Wyting. The official translation of Wijting would be Whiting. (This booklet was given to a mutual friend by Wijting. He told him the story about his name on the front cover.) Information about the booklet: The Rocket Racket - An A.B.C. OF R.P. Firing. Restricted (For Official Use Only). . A booklet explaining the various factors to be taken into account when firing rockets from aircraft. It describes the rockets motion and the main differences between a rocket and a shell. It also explains what effect these differences have on the sighting problem. Written in easily understandable language with cartoon drawings. Excellent little booklet in a used order. 28 pages Air Ministry September 1944. Wyting made a few small notes in the booklet in Dutch.
Booklet Thompson Submachine Gun Booklet about the Thompson Submachine Gun - Mechanism Made Easy Published by Gale & Polden Ltd, Aldershot Date 1942. 32 pages. 16 b/w photographs and 1 drawing In a nice used condition
Booklet \"How To Shoot The U.S. Army Rifle - The Infantry Journal\" The booklet "How To Shoot The U.S. Army Rifle The Infantry Journal" is in nice used condition showing some wear. First Edition 1943.  122 pages with a lot of photographs.
Brass kit bag lock with an antique Victorian letter combination padlock This brass kit bag lock has a very nice Victorian letter combination padlock with four combinations. It is made of brass and steel and has four barrels. As you can see in the pictures, the combination of the lock is known and will be delivered to the new owner.
British Airborne Oversmock British Airborne Oversmock The oversmock is in nice used condition, has been issued and has traces of usage. The label inside shows a Size 4 (height 5' 9"- 5' 10" Breast max 41"). There are a few brown wipes om the back and one of the inside pushbuttons is missing.
British Armed Forces Token - 1945/1946 British Armed Forces Token - 1945/1946 Value: ½ d (1d = 1 Penny, so a ½ penny) These tokens were introduced as a new money system for British troops. To be used on their own bases. It encouraged soldiers to spend their money on base and not in local bars and establishments of less reputable natures.
British Army Major Rank Insignia Kings Crown. British Army Major Rank Insignia Kings Crown. Two matching WW1/WW2 era crowns with lugs to the rear for the rank of Major. A piece of red felt is clamped inside the crowns.
British Dog Tags - A.J. / A.G. Rogers, Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment Nice set of dog tags, probably of two brothers. Brown tag - A.J. Rogers - 7488 Red tag - A.G. Rogers - 7485 Two brother in one Regiment with an almost equal army number.
British NAAFI Token - 1945/1946 British NAAFI Token - 1945/1946 Value: ½ F (F = 1 Franc, so a ½ Franc) These tokens were introduced as a new money system for British troops. To be used on their own bases. It encouraged soldiers to spend their money on base and not in local bars and establishments of less reputable natures.
British WW2 Folding Saw 1944 with 1942 dated case British WW2 Folding Saw dated 1944 with a 1942 dated case. In good used condition.
British WW2 Major Kings Crown Cloth Rank Insignia Slip On Nice British WW2 Major Kings Crown Cloth Rank Insignia Slip On.
British WW2 Players Cigarettes - without content. British WW2 “Players Navy Cut” cigarettes package without content. This package is manufactured by John Player & Sons, Nottingham, England
British WWII R.A.F. fiber dogtag British R.A.F. fiber dogtag These dogtags are stamped with the soldier's name, serial number and religion. When a soldier died The brown disc had to be removed and collected by the commanding officer. The green disc remained on the soldiers body. On these disc the following information is stamped: Soldiers name: F. Clanfield Serial number: 1217314 Religion: C E (Church of England) On the back is stamped: R.A.F in bigger letters The original string is still attached.
Butter Dish made of a German Mess Tin Butter Dish made of a German Mess Tin. The large part of the mess tin has been shortened and the lid slides over it as usual. Both parts are enamelled. Because household utensils were scarce after the war they were made out of all kind of military objects.
By Air to Battle. The Official Account of the British Airborne Divisions A vivid account of the British First and Sixth Airborne Divisions, it's formation and experiences in action. It has a particularly detailed account of Operation Husky (Sicily), D-Day, the Battle of Arnhem, Varsity (Diersfordter Wald, Germany) and more, about the planning and the action. Overall, an excellent insight into these Divisions. First Edition 1945. His Majesty's Stationary Office. 144 pages Good condition.
By Land, Sea and Air: An Illustrated History of the 2nd Battalion the South Staffordshire Regiment 1939-1945 Story of the 2nd Battalion The South Staffordshire Regiment. Robert Sigmond Publishing. ISBN 90-804718-6-0. 224 pages. Hardback. Full colour dust wrapper. 175 b/w illustrations. This book is in mint condition, It is still in the original publishers shrink wrapping. So unopend and unread. See first two pictures. The other three pictures are made of an other copy.
Camp money Westerbork 10 cents 1944 - Serie AA Camp money Westerbork 10 cents 1944 Serie AA There was a shop in Westerbork transit camp. It was only possible to buy with special camp money. Dutch banknotes had to be exchanged for this camp money at an exchange office there. Kampgeld Westerbork 10 cent 1944, Serie AA In doorgangskamp Westerbork was een winkel. Er kon alleen gekocht worden met speciaal kampgeld. Nederlands bankpapier moest worden ingewisseld voor dit kampgeld bij een wisselkantoor aldaar.
Can Made of a Anlasskraftstoff Behälter Wehrmacht VW KdF Typ 82 Kübelwagen Schwimmwagen SdKfz Can made of a Anlasskraftstoff Behälter Wehrmacht VW KdF Typ 82 Kübelwagen Schwimmwagen SdKfz Because household utensils were scarce after the war they were made out of all kind of military objects.
Canadian 37 pattern 1942 Dated Universal Pouch (Bren Pouch) - Pair Nice pair universal pouches (often referred to as a Bren Pouches) used to carry 2 Bren gun magazines, bandoliers, and other equipment. Makers mark: Z.L & T Ltd. Dated: 1942. Very nice, never user pair.
Canadian Army Training Pamphlet No. 1 - 1940 Nice booklet in very, allmost unread condition. Canadian Army Training Pamphlet No. 1 - 1940 - A General Instructional Background for the Young Soldier. Published by J.P. Pateaude, I.S.O, Ottawa, Canada
Canadian WWII \'V\' Matchbook Canadian WWII 'V' Matchbook On both sides a 'V' of 'VICTORY'is printed.
Candlestick made of Panzerfaust Parts Enameled candlestick made of parts of the smallest German panzerfaust. See the photos to understand which part was used. Very rare! Because household utensils were scarce after the war they were made out of all kind of military objects.
Candlestick made of Panzerfaust Parts Enameled candlestick made of parts of the smallest German panzerfaust. See the photos to understand which part was used. Very rare! Because household utensils were scarce after the war they were made out of all kind of military objects.
Christmas Message \'The Angel of Pity\' from Queen Alexandra to Nurses of Queen Alexandra\'s Imperial Military Nursing Service - 1914 On the first Christmas of World War One the President of the Queen Alexandra\'s Imperial Military Nursing Service, Princess Alexandra, sent this message to all QAs serving in France: As the president of all the Nurses in de British Empire, I am most anxious to express to every individual Nurse my heartfelt and grateful appreciation of their unselfish devotion and patriotism in ministering to, and relieving the suffering of, our brave and gallant soldiers and sailors who are fighting for their King and Country. With the whole nation I wish to convey to our invaluable Nurses the undying debt of gratitude we owe them. The message has the size of 30.5 x 23 cm
Christmas Tree Stand made of 15 cm. Shell Container Parts Christmas Tree Stand made of 15 cm. Shell Container Parts See photos to understand which part was used. Text on stand: "15 cm Gr.18" Very rare!
Colored photograph of a Panzer Man, Big Size Colored photograph of a Panzer Man, Big Size. Very nice condition. Size: 17.5 x 24 cm
Commando Shoulder Title Red On Black A nice WWII curved red on black Commando shoulder title glue back example
Commemorative Copper Plate for Mussert’s Journey to the Dutch Indies in 1935 This concerns the bigger version of this rare copper plate, diameter is 28 cm. Anton Mussert, Dutch National Socialist leader, flew on July 17, 1935 with the DC 2 SPERWER from Schiphol with KLM to Medan, and returned on August 29 with the KLM DC 2 KWAK. He made a trip through the Dutch East Indies to address Indian NSB members. At the top of the plate is a kind of old scratch that is visible but does not detract from the presentation of the plate. ___________________ Dit betreft de grote uitvoering van dit zeldzame koperen bord. De diameter is 28cm. Anton Mussert, NSB-leider vloog 17 juli 1935 met de DC 2 SPERWER vanaf Schiphol met de KLM naar Medan, en kwam 29 augustus met de KLM DC 2 KWAK weer terug. Hij maakte een tocht door Nederlands-Indie om Indische NSB leden toe te spreken. Aan de bovenzijde van het bord zit een soort oude kras die zichtbaar is maar niets afdoet aan de presentatie van het bord.
De Misthoorn - 25 april 1942 Anti-Semitic newspaper - De Misthoorn, Saterday April 25 1942 - 5th year number 142 - 16 pages. Rare Newspaper, the spine of the newspaper is thin. Antisemitische krant  - De Misthoorn, zaterdag 25 april 1942 - 5e jaargang nummer 142 - 16 pagina's. Zeldzame krant, de rug van de krant is dun.
De Misthoorn - 9 mei 1942 Anti-Semitic newspaper - De Misthoorn, Saterday May 9th 1942 - 5th year number 144 - 16 pages. Rare Newspaper. In used condition. Antisemitische krant  - De Misthoorn, zaterdag 9 mei 1942 - 5e jaargang nummer 144 - 16 pagina's. Zeldzame krant, in gelezen staat.
De Stormmeeuw - 1943 jaargang 9 nr. 7 Monthly journal of the Dutch National Socialist youth. Maandblad van de 'nationale Jeugdstorm'.
Decorative Dell Monte Coffee Tin - Unopened 1 Pound tin Dell Monte Coffee still unopened. Decorative American coffee tin. The tin still has its bright colors and is in very good condition. The tin has no dents. The lid is slightly corroded.
Der Adler Magazin Der Adler Magazin, dated March 1st 1939. This magazin gives a good view how German progaganda works. The magazine is in nice condition.
Der Adler Magazin Der Adler magazin dated March 14th 1939. This magazin gives a good view how German progaganda works. The magazine is in nice condition
Deutsche Jugend Sigrune Sleeve Badge Deutsche Jugend Sigrune Sleeve Badge Original machine woven, white Sigrune on a red oval backing.
Deutsche Postsparbuchfolder with two booklets. Deutsche Postsparbuchfolder with two booklets. Top left and top right corners of the folder are missing. The two booklets inside are Repayment receipts (Rückzahlungsscheine) Notice of termination receipts (Kündigungsscheine) The booklets originally consist of 15 receipts and are printed in 1939. One of the repayment receipts has been used.
Deutsche Zeitung in den Niederlanden with original wrapper Deutsche Zeitung in den Niederlanden - Sonntag, 1 November 1942. - Sunday, November 1st, 1942 It is very rare to find a newspaper with an original wrapper. Simply because everyone read the newspaper and threw away the wrapper. The newspaper was sent to: Den Heer J.Rubbens J.P.Coenstraat 37 den Haag
Die Wehrmacht - Das buch des Krieges 1939-1940 Nice copy of "Die Wehrmacht - Das buch des Krieges 1939-1940" with dustcover. The book is in used condition, the dustcover is for 90% compleet and stil in nice condition.
Die Wehrmacht Magazine - 21. juni 1939 Jahrgang 3, nummer 13 Very nice Magazine “Die Wehrmacht” Dated “June 21st 1939” Printed in order of the Wehrmacht high command. “Oberkommando der Wehrmacht” Overal a nice magazine in very good condition. Cover picture: Heavy railway gun is supported by booms before firing Contents include: - Why military assemblies? / By Major Otto, Leiter der Gruppe II - Wehrersatzinspektion Berlin - When these pipes spit fire... - Heaviest artillery of our Wehrmacht / By Major im Oberkommando der Wehrmacht Borck - 1919 A ​​fleet sank - 1939 A fleet arose! / By Korvettenkapitän Böhmig - Freed from the chains of Neuilly: Bulgaria's new Wehrmacht / By Major von Zeska, OKW - Military policy review - As a German fighter pilot in Spain / By Major Handrick - Sports of the Wehrmacht - Germany celebrates the Condor Legion - For the first Greater German Reichskriegertag
Die Wehrmacht Magazine - 3. juli 1940 Jahrgang 4, nummer 14 Very nice Magazine “Die Wehrmacht” With Fallschirmjägers celebrating “Christmas” on the backcover. Dated “December 15, 1940” Printed in order of the Wehrmacht high command. “Oberkommando der Wehrmacht” Overal a nice magazine in very good condition. Cover photo: This is how we smashed France until it laid down its arms / Photo: PK - Dr. Feitl Contents include: - The Collapse - From the Atlantic to Reims / By Kriegsberichter Dr. Hans Feitl - Via Besançon to the Belfort fortress - White flags over the Maginot Line - The end of the aircraft carrier "Glorious" - Victorious naval battle by Jan Mayen in the North Sea - We fought in Narvik - By one who was there -Paris! Paris! / By Kriegsberichter Helmut Jahn - War in the desert - struggle of the empire and its rights to life - Paratroopers over Africa
Dutch booklet - RAF, Wat de R.A.F. voor bezet Nederland beteekende Dit boekje werd in 1944 illegaal gedrukt door het verzet. De opbrengst was bestemd voor de nabestaanden van diegene die hun leven gaven voor de vrijheid. A.Q. is pseudoniem van Van Braam Houckgeest. Uitgegeven door H. de Koningh te 's-Gravenhage. This booklet was printed illegally in 1944 by the resistance. The proceeds were intended for the relatives of those who gave their lives for freedom. A.Q. is pseudonym of Van Braam Houckgeest. Published by H. de Koningh in The Hague.
Dutch booklet \"Wegwijzer voor hen die in Duitschland gaan werken\" Uitgaven van het Rijksarbeidsbureau. Nummer: 2 Derde en uitgebreide herziene druk Jaar: 1942 Blz: 87 Voorschriften en aanwijzingen voor in Duitschland geplaatste nederlandsche arbeiders Hoofdstukken: 1.De Reis 2.Wat moet en wat kan worden meegenomen 3.Loonen en andere arbeidsvoorwaarden 4.Belasting en premie voor sociale verzekeringen 5.Sociale verzekeringen 6.Sociale tegemoetkomingen 7.Vacantieregeling 8.Het overmaken van loonoverschotten 9.Ontslag Negen lessen in Nederlands-Duits Woordenlijst ----------------------------------------------------------- Expenditures of the Government Employment Office. Number 2 Third and expanded revised edition Year: 1942 Page: 87 Regulations and instructions for Dutch workers posted in Germany Chapters: 1.The Journey 2.What must and what can be taken along 3. Wages and other employment conditions 4.Tax and social insurance contributions 5. Social insurance 6.Social Benefits 7.Vacancy regulation 8. The transfer of wage surpluses 9.Dismissal Nine lessons in Dutch-German Word list
Dutch booklet, Ontwerp-voorschrift voor de revolver van 9,65 mm Dutch booklet "Design regulations for the 9.65 mm (0.38 inch) revolver dated April 27, 1943", London, 1943. Brown cover. Dutch manual for the use of firearms. These were used, among others, by the Dutch Princess Irene Brigade who were trained in Great Britain during the Second World War. Manual Nbr. 800. ___________________________________ Nederlands boekje "Ontwerp-voorschrift voor de revolver van 9,65 mm (0.38 inch) dd 27 april 1943", Londen, 1943. Bruine kaft. Nederlandstalige handleiding voor het gebruik van vuurwapen. Deze werden onderandere gebruikt door de Prinses Ireneprigade die gedurende de Tweede Wereldoorlog in Groot Brittannië werden opgeleid. Voorschrift Nr. 800.
Dutch Brooch made of two Silver Five-cent coins / Broche Gemaakt van Twee Zilveren 5 Cent Muntstukken. In April 1941, the German occupier officially confiscated the silver Dutch coins. However, a large part of it was not handed in at all, but was converted into all kinds of jewelry. In april 1941 legde de Duitse bezetter officieel beslag op het zilveren Nederlandse muntgeld. Een groot deel daarvan werd echter helemaal niet ingeleverd maar omgezet in allerlei sieraden.
Dutch Document set, Doesburg / Eindhoven / Hamburg The set consists of the following items: - Identity card of Dirk Henrik Flierman - 1st ration card, D.H. Flierman - German Ausweis - Radioröhrenfabrik G.M.B.H. Hamburg, D.H. Flierman - Ausweis/Legitimatie. Declaration that the person concerned is registered for the labor in Germany. The number on this card is the same as the number on the identity card, D.H. Flierman. - Urlaubschein. Certificate of leave from June 7, 1944 to June 13, 1944, due to serious illness of his father, D.H. Flierman. De set bestaat uit de volgende items: - Persoonsbewijs van Dirk Henrik Flierman - 1e Ditributie Stamkaart, D.H. Flierman - Duits Ausweis - Radioröhrenfabrik G.M.B.H. Hamburg, D.H. Flierman - Ausweis / Legitimatie. Verklaring dat betrokkene in Duitsland voor de arbeid staat ingeschreven. Het nummer op deze kaart is hetzelfde als het nummer op het persoonsbewijs, D.H. Flierman. - Urlaubschein. Bewijs van verlof van 7 juni 1944 tot 13 juni 1944, wegens ernstige ziekte van zijn vader, D.H. Flierman.
Dutch Document set, Eindhoven / Heeze The set consists of the following items: - Identity card of Petronella Jacoba van Dijk - Yellow insert to the identity card - 1st ration card, Soerendonk, P.J. van Dijk - 2nd ration card, Eindhoven, P.J. van Dijk - Ration stamp card Feb 15,1943 - Feb 14, 1944 - Letter from the employment office regarding employment in Germany. Dated June 21st 1943. De set bestaat uit de volgende items: - Persoonsbewijs van Petronella Jacoba van Dijk - Geel inlegvel voor het persoonsbewijs. - Eerste distributie stamkaart, Soerendonk, P.J. van Dijk - Tweede Distributie stamkaart, Eindhoven, P.J. van Dijk - Distributie stempelkaart 15 feb 1943 - 14 feb 1944 - Brief van het gewestelijk arbeidsbureau Eindhoven m.b.t. arbeid in Duitsland dd. 21 juni 1943.
Dutch ID ww2 - Nederlands persoonsbewijs Nice ID in good condition of Francisca Petronella M. Rijkhoff.
Dutch Legion Stamp Sheets Dutch Legion Stamp Sheets Dutch Legion stamps were issued on November 1st, 1942. The red stamp sheet has 10 stamps and is valued at 7½ + 2½ Cents. The blue stamp sheet has 4 stamps and is valued at 12½ + 87½ Cents. The surcharge on both stamps was for the good of the Dutch SS Legion. Both sheets have a Dutch text, mentioning the following: STAMP. ISSUED FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE SUPPLY FUNDS OF THE DUTCH LEGION. 1942. The stamps are unused but do have two small stickers on the back for in an album. On the blue sheet the stickers are still present
Dutch Legion Stamp with official ink stamp \"Tentoonstelling Herlevend Nederland\" Dutch Legion Stamp with official stamp "Tentoonstelling Herlevend Nederland" Dutch Legion stamps were issued on November 1st, 1942. The ink stamp was used for the exhibition on December 19th 1942.
Dutch Mess Kit - Model 1915 - Marked with Army Number 1666 Dutch mess kit - model 1915. The mess kit was part of the standard equipment for a Dutch front soldier. Marked with Army Number 1666. In a nice used condition. Text is scratched in the kit: LuA 37 36A (What I can conclude from it) __________________________ Nederlandse eetketel - model 1915. De eetketel maakte deel uit van de standaarduitrusting voor een Nederlandse frontsoldaat. Gemarkeerd met legernummer 1666 In mooie gebruikte staat. Er is een tekst in de eetketel gekrast: LuA 37 36A (wat ik eruit kan opmaken)
Dutch Newspaper ending Battle of Crete 3 June 1941. This is a copy of the evening edition of the Algemeen Handelsblad (Nieuwe Amsterdamse Courant), 3 June 1941. the newspaper has been damp and has a hole in the center of the fold. no important information has been lost. The newspaper consists of four pages. All newspapers at that time were in German hands and were used for propagandistic purposes.
Dutch Persoonsbewijs and Two Photographs of Arij Houtkan Small paperwork set of three. A persoonsbewijs and two photographs of Dutch soldiers.
Dutch Public Order and Safety Volunteer Medal, “PATRIAE SERVIRE LIBERTAS” Vrijwilligers medaille openbare orde en veiligheid, “PATRIAE SERVIRE LIBERTAS”.
Dutch wooden painted tray 1940 - Nederlands houten beschilderd dienblad 1940 The tray has beautiful deep colors and has been really well preserved. Text "Not broken, but bent". Het dienblad heeft prachtige diepe kleuren en is werkelijk mooi behouden gebleven.
Dutch WWII “Nederlandsche Arbeidsdienst” (NAD) large sportsbadge Dutch WWII “Nederlandsche Arbeidsdienst” (NAD) large sportsbadge. With four eyelets on the back for affixing to the uniform. In very good condition. This is the large hollow variation, not to be confused with the easily available miniature version. ------ Nederlandsche Arbeidsdienst' (Dutch labour service) Sports Badge (NAD Sportinsigne). The NAD was the Dutch equivalent for the German RAD. Nice original silvered tombak badge, complete with original lugs on the back. The medal shows the NAD motto: 'Ick Dien' (I serve) and a spade with a capital 'S' (signifying 'sport'). Hard to find exemple in good used condition! 'Nederlandsche Arbeidsdienst' sport medaille (NAD Sportinsigne). De NAD was de Nederlandse tegenhanger van de Duitse RAD. De verzilverde Buntmetall medaille is compleet met de originele oogjes op de achterzijde. Op de medaille staat het NAD motto: 'Ick Dien' en een schep met een hoofdletter 'S' wat staat voor Sport. Moeilijk te vinden exemplaar in goede gebruikte staat! --------- Sport Medaille Nederlandsche Arbeidsdienst (NAD) De verzilverde Buntmetalll medaille (NAD sport insigne) is compleet met de origineel oogjes op de achterzijde Op de medaille staat het NAD motto: “Ick Dien” en een schep met de hoofdletter ‘S’ wat staat voor sport. Het NAD sport insigne heeft een afmeting van 34 x 40 mm.
Early Photograph of an Officer with a Balloon Badge. Nice rare small photograph of an officer with a balloon badge (6,5 x 5 cm).
Eight Photographs of a Polish soldier Eight wartime photographs of a Polish soldier.
Envelope NSDAP Kreisleitung Zabern Envelope NSDAP Kreisleitung Zabern Envelope of the NSDAP Kreisleitung Zabern to the Kassenleiter der Ortsgruppe der NSDAP Eckartsweiler (Krs. Zabern). Germany was divided in districts (Kreis). Each district had a district leader (Kreisleiter) This envelope was sent from district Zabern to their financial leader.
Extra Print of Volk en Vaderland - Oostfront en Thuisfront Extra Print of Volk en Vaderland. Mussert schrijft over: Oostfront en Thuisfront. This extra print is not dated but was printed on July 31st 1942. Very good condition, folded twice.
Extreme Rare - Discharge form Polizeilichen Durchgangslager Amersfoort Resignation form of Arte Fr. Crop. Krop was released on February 10, 1944 from the Polizeilichen Durchgangslager Amersfoort. The form was signed by SS-SturmScharfürer Karl Peter Berg. At the time, Berg was commander-in-chief of the Polizeilichen Durchgangslager Amerfoort.
Extreme rare manual Dacota DC-3 - 1942 - MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS DOUGLAS TRANSPORT AIRPLANE FOR THE MODEL DC-3 Extreme rare! Please note the hand written date on the first page, August 1973. These manuals where used as reference book at the Documentation Center of the K.L.M. (Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij). MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE DOUGLAS TRANSPORT AIRPLANE MODEL DC-3 POWERED WITH PRATT & WHITNEY R-1830-92 ENGINES DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT COMPANY, INC. SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA -1942- Please ask for more photos if needed.
Extreme Rare Manual Dacota DC-3 - March 1944 - ACCESSORY MANUAL - Twin Wasp C3 and C4 Engines The stamped date on the first page, 12 August 1947 done by flying personal. These manuals where re-used in the Netherlands-Indies. ACCESSORY MANUAL (Part No. 86406) RESTRICTED Twin Wasp C3 and C4 Engines (R-1830-33, 41, 43, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53, 57, 61, -63, -65, -67, -82, -90, -908, and -92) FIRST EDITION COPYRIGHT 1944, BY UNITED AIRCRAFT CORPORATION, EAST HARTFORD, CONN. PRATT & WHITNEY AIRCRAFT Division of UNITED AIRCRAFT CORPORATION EAST HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT Printed in United States of America March, 1944
Extreme Rare Manual Dacota DC-3 - October 1944 - OVERHAUL MANUAL Twin Wasp Douglas C3 and C4 Engines The hand written date on the first page, 12 October 1947 done by flying personal. These manuals where re-used in the Netherlands-Indies. NavAer 02-10CW-3 OVERHAUL MANUAL (Part No. 86405) RESTRICTED PRATT&WHITNEY USA ENDABLE ENGINES Twin Wasp C3 and C4 Engines (R-1830-33, -41, 43, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53, 57, 61, -63, -65, -67, -82, -90, -90B, and -92) FIRST EDITION PRATT & WHITNEY AIRCRAFT Division of UNITED AIRCRAFT CORPORATION EAST HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT Printed in United States of America October 1943 Please ask for more photos if needed.
Feldpost Envelope 4/Fallschirmjäger Erganzungs Battalion Feldpost Envelope 4/Fallschirmjäger Erganzungs Battalion. The date stamp is from Standal and is dated 10 July, 1940, so right after the German Western Campain (Westfeldzug). This item is only the envelope, there is no letter present.
First Aid for Fighting Men - 1943 First aid for fighting men. Dated 26th May 1943. Your life and those of your comrades may depend upon your having this card always at hand By command of the Army Council The War Office. Great Britain. War Office. Date1943
Flight logbook and aerial photographs of partisan supply More images Please do not put this item in the shopping cart. If you would like to purchase this log book, please put the above item with "Code: 50282" in your shopping cart.
Flight logbook and aerial photographs of partisan supply Flightbook of F/Sgt. Wireless Operator J.A. Moffat 31 Sqn. and 37 Sgn. 40 Operational flights - 14 supply droppings to partisans, 25 bombing flights, 1 flight for mine laying. Lots of comments. All flights in Liberators. 1 Flightbook 15 Areal photographs 1 Portrait photo 1 Press photo The description below consists of the following: 1 No. operational flight. 2 Date of the flight. 3 Aircraft number. 4 Commentary on the flight. Total War Operations: 40 - 17 Operations with 31 Sgn. 1 21-okt-1941 L.201 Marshalling yards Maribor. 10-1000 LBS. No Flak D.C.O. 2 4-nov-1944 L.201 Supply Dropping to Partisans Yogoslavia. 12x300LBS containers 3 4-nov-1944 Y.205 Supply Dropping to Partisans Yogoslavia. 12x300LBS containers 4 5-nov-1944 Y.206 Supply Dropping to Partisans Yogoslavia. 12x300LBS containers 5 7-nov-1944 L.201 Bombing marshalling yards Sarajevo. Yugoslavia 11x1000LBS Heavy flak. Holed in nose. 6 10-nov-1944 L.201 Supply Dropping to Partisans Northern Italy Returned to base with u/s Altimeter 7 16-nov-1944 L.201 Supply Dropping to Partisans North West Italy. 12x300LBS containers 8 18-nov-1944 L.201 Bombing marshalling yards Sarajevo. Yugoslavia. Flak inaccurate 10x1000LBS 9 19-nov-1944 G.158 Bombing bridge and German troop concentrations - Podgurica - Yugoslavia 11x1000LBS Light flak inaccurate 10 22-nov-1944 L.201 Bombing marshalling yards szombathely - Hungary 12x500LBS. Night fighters seen, no attacks made 11 24-nov-1944 M.952 Supply Dropping to Partisans North East Yugoslavia. 12x350LBS containers. Fighter flares seen but no attacks made Total War Operations: 40 - 23 Operations with 37 Sgn. 12 27-dec-1944 C.246 Supply dropping Yugoslav partisans - 12 containers 13 29-dec-1944 C.246 Supply dropping Yugoslav partisans - 12 containers 14 15-jan-1945 J.407 Supply Dropping to Partisans N.E. Italy. 12x300LBS containers, not dropped 10/10 cloud over target 15 18-jan-1945 H.245 Supply Dropping to Partisans N.E. Italy. 12x300LBS. Supplies dropped 16 20-jan-1945 L.280 Bombing Marshalling yards at Udine, N.E. Italy 8x1000LBS 2x500LBS Target bombed 17 26-jan-1945 J.407 Supply Dropping to Partisans Yogoslavia. 12x300LBS containers. Supplies dropped 18 1-dec-1945 J.407 Bombing naval stores and harbour instalations at "Pola". Unable to identify target through 10/10 clouds. Bombes jettisoned in sea 19 3-feb-1945 J.407 Supply dropping to partisans North-West Yogoslavia. 12 containers. Supplies dropped in target area 20 7-feb-1945 J.407 Supply dropping to partisans North-West Yogoslavia. Supplies dropped in target area 21 8-feb-1945 J.407 Bombed west marshalling yards at Verona, Northern Italy. 8x1000LBS and 2x500LBS. Very little activity 22 13-feb-194 J.407 Bombed marshalling yards at Graz, Austria 8x1000LBS Excellent bombing results Slight opposition OpsDate No. Remarks 23 16-feb-1945 H.245 Bombing dock and harbour installations at Fiume. North East Italy. 8x1000LBS, light flak 24 21-feb-1945 B Bombing ammunition depot and mine stores al "Pola" North Eastern Italy. Excellent bombing results. Explosions seen. Heavy accurate flak. Bomb load 8x1000LBS 2x500LBS 25 23-feb-1945 J.407 Bombing marshalling yards at Verona, Northern Italy Bomb load 10x5000LBS incendiary clusters. Target left burning very little flak 26 25-feb-1945 J.407 Supply dropping to partisans northern yugoslavia. Dropped 12 containers 27 1-mrt-1945 J.407 Bombing shipping and jetty N.E.Pola 12x500LBS. Target obscured by cloud. Bombs Jettisoned in sea. 28 3-mrt-1945 J.407 Mine laying in the canale Di Fasana N.E.Italy. 6 mines dropped. 400 feet A successful operation. 29 5-mrt-1945 J.407 Bombing marshalling yards at Graz (Austria) 12x500LBS. Cloud over target, Bombs not dropped. Slight flak over target, 30 10-mrt-1945 G.240 Bombing marshalling yards and rolling stock at Brucks (Austria) 4x1000LBS 8x500LBS. Little flak 31 21-mrt-1945 H Bombing marshalling yards and rolling stock at Novska Yugoslavia 2x1000LBS 10x500LBS. Flak over target. Good bombing results observed 32 22-mrt-1945 K Bombing marshalling yards and rolling stock at Villach (Austria) 2x1000LBS 10x500LBS. Light flak over target. 33 25-mrt-1945 D Bombing marshalling yards at Villach (Austria) 2x1000LBS 10x500LBS. Light flak excellent bombing. 34 31-mrt-1945 A Bombing marshalling yards at Graz (Austria) 12x500LBS. Little flak 35 3-apr-1945 G Bombing marshalling yards at Novska Yugoslavia. Little flak 36 8-apr-1945 L Bombing marshalling yards at Trento N.E. Italy. Slight opposition 37 10-apr-1945 A Bombing marshalling yards. Early return, 38 11-apr-1945 A Bombing enemy troop concentrations. Excellent bombing 39 15-apr-1945 A Bombing marshalling yards at Villach Austria. 10/10 cloud unable to bomb target 40 16-apr-1945 C Bombing enemy positions at casalecchio in support of army. Excellent bombing If you are interested and would like to see more photos, please contact us.
Funnel made of Panzerfaust Parts Enameled funnel made of parts of a German panzerfaust. See the photos to understand which part was used. Very rare!
Geheimnisse aus Deutschland - Joachim Senckpiehl ca. 1941 Geheimnisse aus Deutschland - Joachim Senckpiehl ca. 1941.\' Softcover in good condition. 127 pages. With lots of pictures with text. Rare propaganda booklet.
German Bed Sheet German Bed Sheet Dated: 1941 Bed sheet, German navy. In the stamp you'll see the M for Marine (Navy). Eagle, M.W.A., 1941 Size: 220 cm x 130 cm (87 x 51 Inch) Ordernumber: FE0027
German Catholic Prayer and Song Book - 1936 German Catholic Prayer and Song Book - 1936 Katholisches Militär Gebet und Gesangbuch 1936 Extra page 100a inserted: "Gebet für Führer, Volk u. Wehrmacht", dated 1936 Zuzammengestellt von Heeresoberpfarrer Karkowski mit kirchlicher Genehmigung Publisher: Joseph Bercker - Berlin
German Dogtag - LUFTG. FLAKART. SCHULE 7 - MUNCHEN - 437 German Dogtag - LUFTG. FLAKART. SCHULE 7 - MUNCHEN - 437
German Dogtag - STAMMKZL.VET.ERS.U.AUSB.ABT.3 - 1325 German Dogtag - STAMMKZL.VET.ERS.U.AUSB.ABT.3 - 1325
German Dreiring Seife German Dreiring hand soap. In good condition and still with a very nice smell!
German drivers license - Helmut Unger German Militär Führerschein, Militär was changed into Wehrmacht Name: Helmut Unger Rank: Funker Unit: Luftnachrichten-Ersatz. Abteilung 11/13 Date of birth: June 25, 1912
German Elastolin Wehrmacht Soldiers German Elastolin Wehrmacht Soldiers. The 7 figures still have the nice original colours. There are no markings underneath.
German first world war trench knife German first world war trench knife.
German Flare Gun Cartridge Pepper/Salt Shaker Pepper/salt shaker made of a German flare gun cartridge. The primer has been removed and the hole is sealed. A shaker top was added. Nice utensil in time of need.
German General Assault Badge This German General Assault Badge is in a very nice used condition. The badge is made of zinc and has no maker markings. Nice Original piece.
German Helmet Liner Split Pins and slotted washers - Set of Three German Helmet Liner Split Pins and slotted washers Set of three Only one of three is marked SC 42
German Helmet Liner Split Pins and slotted washers - Set of Three German Helmet Liner Split Pins and slotted washers Set of three Nicely marked MSS 44
German Kaloderma Shaving Soap Tin Nice tin in a good condition. The tin is empty. The Karlsruhe company produced creams and cosmetics. This aluminum tin belongs to the pre-war period. It is characterized by a finely furnished inscription. It is also decorated on the lid with the family coat of arms. The palm tree in the \"K...\" is a reference to the palm kernel oil as a fat additive in soap production and the floral motifs refer to the added aromas.
German Laundry Detergent - WW2 Schwan Pulver from Dr. Thomson's. The package is still full and in a very nice condition. Das altbewährte Wasch- und Reinigungsmittel fur jeden haushalt. Doppelpaket 40 Pfg.
German Laundry Detergent - WW2 Schwan Pulver from Dr. Thomson's. The package is still full and in a very nice condition. Das altbewährte Wasch- und Reinigungsmittel fur jeden haushalt. Doppelpaket 40 Pfg.
German Leaflet - Come and see for yourselves! Title frontpage: Come and see for yourselves! Publicationdate: Februar 1945 K-number: SKJ 2012 Language: English Total pages: 2 Condition: Excellent
German Leaflet - Dieppe We and British Invade France Title frontpage: Dieppe We and British Invade France (American Journal) Title back: "If then this is not in any sense the opening of a second front, what may it be taken to mean?" Language: English Publicationdate: August 1942 K-number: 451/DE/VIII .42 Total pages: 4 Condition: 3.5 cm crack front page right side. Some minor defects due to the dropping of the leaflet. Leaflet has been folded. Extreme rare leaflet. Dropped over the U.K. after the Dieppe raid in August 1942.
German Leaflet - Even the Bravest Soldier can Sometimes Get into a Hopeless Situation Title frontpage: Even the Bravest Soldier can Sometimes Get into a Hopeless Situation Title back: Laws And Rights For The Prisoner Of War Publicationdate: December 1944. No K-number Language: English. Total pages: 2. Condition: Good, bottom is wrinkled, probably shot over by a (propaganda)rocket.
German Leaflet - GENTLEMAN PREFER BLONDES but... Title frontpage: GENTLEMAN PREFER BLONDES but... Title backpage: ...Blondes prefer strong and healthy men ...not cripples Publicationdate: October 1944 K-number: no number Language: English Total pages: 2 Condition: Good. A very small piece missing (6x2 mm) in the upper edge.
German Leaflet - Safe Conduct (Green color) Title frontpage: Safe Conduct (Green color) No seperate title on the back. Publicationdate: August 1944. K-number: ZG 37.A. Language: English. Total pages: 2. Condition: good.
German Leaflet - Safe Conduct (Red color) Title frontpage: Safe Conduct (Red color). No seperate title on the back. Publicationdate: August 1944. K-number: ZG 37.A. Language: English. Total pages: 2. Condition: good
German Leaflet - Willst du die Wahrheit wissen, Kamerad, frage den \"Skorpion\"! Nr. 2 Title frontpage: Willst du die Wahrheit wissen, Kamerad, frage den "Skorpion"! Nr. 2 Publicationdate: December 1944. K-number: SK 414 Language: German Total pages: 1 Condition: Good condition. Very rare leaflet!
German Leaflet - \'Waiting - in vain\' Title frontpage: Waiting - in vain. Title backpage: American boys! Language: English. Publicationdate: December 1944. K-number: 14
German Luftwafe Tropical Pitch Helmet German Luftwafe Tropical Pitch Helmet This helmet is still in a very good used condition! It is sized 57 and comes with the original chinstrap. Stamped inside: Eigentum der Deutsche Luftwaffe.
German LUX soap - Full package German LUX soap. Was used to wash clothes. Original full package
German M31 Shelter Quarter (Army Splinter Pattern) German M31 Shelter Quarter (Army Splinter Pattern) In a very nice condition. One of the Original ropes is still and all aluminium buttons arre still attached. The shelter has never been repaired and has no damage The shelter is marked with a stamp: Max Scheffel 1940 Grünbach (Vogtl)
German Memphis Zigaretten - Full package German Memphis Zigaretten - Full package Manufacturer: Austria Tabakwerke A.G. Text on lable: 10 zigaretten das Stück Rpf 4. In the middle of the lable is a relief printing of a Wehrmacht eagle. See also page 292 of the book: "Deutsche Soldaten - Uniforms, Equipment and Personal Items of the German Soldier 1939-45" Small piece of cardboard missing on the upper-right side of the package. See photographs.
German MOKRI zigaretten - Full Package German MOKRI zigaretten - Full Package. Manufacturer: Geissinger, Dresden. Very nice condition.
German Officers Sword Portepee German Officers Sword Portepee in a nice and original condition.
German Photograph (Postcard) of a MIA Luftwaffe Aircrew Member German Photograph (Postcard) of a MIA Luftwaffe Aircrew Member in very good condition. Text on the back: Gefr. Karl Neskel Geb. 15.3.22 (born) Verm. 15.10.43 (MIA) Foto-Atelier Eugen Dahlwitz Graudenz, Börgenstraβe 8
German Photograph (Postcard) of a Panzer Man, 1 German Photograph (Postcard) of a Panzer Man 1. In a nice condition.
German Photograph (Postcard) of a Panzer Man, 2 German Photograph (Postcard) of a Panzer Man 2. In a nice condition. Photograph made in Göttingen, Strasse der SA 35/1 by Blanhorn.
German Photograph (Postcard) of a Panzer Man, 3 German Photograph (Postcard) of a Panzer Man. In a nice condition. Photograph made in May 1943
German Photograph (Postcard) of a Panzer Man, 4. German Photograph (Postcard) of a Panzer Man 2. In a nice condition. Photograph made in May 1941
German Photograph of a WaffenSS Totenkopf Division Soldier German Photograph of a WaffenSS Totenkopf Division. The photograph was made in Marklissa (Lesna, Poland). Near Marklissa a few (Frauen) Arbeits Lager ((Femail) Labor Camps) were situated. the SS-man could be stationed in one of these camps. - AL Hartmansdorf (Miliszow) was 2,9 km from Marklissa. - FAL Gebhabersdorf (Giebultow) was 12.9 km from Marklissa. - FAL Gräflich-Röhrsdorf (Skarbkow) was 18 km from Marklissa. - AL Greppersdorf (Milecice) was 22,4 km from Marklissa. More camps were situated further away. All these camps were sub-camps of KL (Konzentrations Lager) Gross-Rozen (Rogoznica). Gross-Rozen started as a subcamp of KL Sachsenhausen in Germany but became self-reliant on May 1st, 1941.
German Photograph of a Young WaffenSS Soldier German Photograph of a Young WaffenSS Soldier and his girlfriend. On his chest he wears a Sportabzeichen (Sport Batch) and a Hitlerjugend Leistungsabzeichen (HJ Proficiency Badge) Photograph made at Altenburg (East-Germany near the Tsech border) on December 6th 1942. Nice item in a very good condition.
German Press photo - Aprilla (Italy) German Press photo - Aprilla (Italy). This should be Aprilia, 50 km (32 miles) from Rome. - K-number: 199 - Photo Serie Number: 75/13 - Photographer: PK Kriegsberichter Lutz Koch (Sch) Translation of Dutch text on the back: Heavy enemy losses at Aprilla This heavy enemy tank has been hit in the centre by the power of the explosion.
German Press photo - Bombenladungen German Press photo - Immer neue Bombenladungen - Photo Serie Number: 16/10 - Photographer: PK Kriegsberichter Jutte (Sch)
German Press photo - D-Day German Press photo - D-Day Text in Dutch: Het strijdgebied aan de monding van de Orne. Een vrachtzweefvliegtuig der vijandelijke luchtlandingstroepen, welks linker draagvlak werd afgerukt. Translation to English: The battle area at the mouth of the Orne. A cargo glider of enemy airborne troops, whose left support base was torn off. Nice D-Day propaganda photograph made by PK Siedel / Wb / C.N.F.
German Press photo - Einem von Hunderten German Press photo - Einem von Hunderten - Photo Serie Number: 21/9 - Photographer: SS-PK-Kriegsberichter Zeymer
German Press photo - Immer am Feind German Press photo - Immer am Feind - Photo Serie Number: 21/15 - Photographer: PK-Kriegsberichter Paulsen
German SALEM No.6 zigaretten - Full Package German SALEM No.6 zigaretten - Full Package. Printed on Banderol ZZV3 WEO. Very nice condition.
German Schwan Pulver - Full Package German Schwan Pulver - Full Package. This soap was used to wasch clothes. Original package in good condition.
German WWII Black Medic Pouch & Contents German WWII Black Medic Pouch & Contents. The pouch is marked: + Z.D.V.R.K. + . The leather is still very flexible Contents: - Triangular cloth (two stamps with tekst: SanitätsColonne vom Roten Kreuz - Bad Köstritz and written on it: San. Kol. Bad Kastritz Nº 11). - Bandage (Verbandstof-Industrie A.G. Berlin11 24. Faden abstreifen. 1933. Im Dampfe keimfrei gemacht bei 120°). - Bandage (EbI S.-A verbandpackchen). - Bandage (Bederna-Verbandpäckchen Heeresmodell Dr. Bader & Schluckwerd Chemnitz). - 3 Bandages wrapped in paper, no tekst. - Small bottle (Baldriantinktur. Adler-Drogerie). - Small bottle (Salmiakgeist. Adler-Drogerie). - Small bottle (Hoffmannstropfen. Spir. Aether). Although this is often claimed, the pouch and the contents come from one source. Guaranteed!
German WWII MAGGI Box German WWII MAGGI Box Size: 24 x 21,5 cm Inside were 5 tins with 150 MAGGI cubes. This box is empty. The box has been used to send goods through the post.
GERMANY - EMERGENCY MONEY - 1915-1918 - POW camp.Bad Stuer GERMANY - EMERGENCY MONEY - 1915-1918 - POW camp.Bad Stuer (Mecklenburg)Officer - prison camp 5 Mark Karton the following text is indicated on the back of the note: Dies Lagergeld hat nur innerhalb des lagers Gültigkeit. Beim verlassen des Lagers wird der Schein gegen Bargeld eingewechselt oder der Betrag dem Guthaben des Inhabers zugeschrieben. Zivilpersonen und deutsche Militärpersonen wird das Lagergeld nicht gegen Bargeld eingewechselt. Ausnahmen bedürfen der vorherigen Zustimmung des Lagercommandanten. What means: This camp fee is only valid within the camp. When leaving the camp, the note is exchanged for cash or the amount is added to the holder's credit. Civilians and German military personnel cannot exchange the camp money for cash. Exceptions require the permission of the camp commandant.
Group photo Stretcher Party, Probably London Nice original group photo of a Stretcher party. The photograph is probably from the London area because it was found in London Size: 25,5 x 20 cm
Het Nieuwe Volk - 21 juni 1941 - Jg.10 No.25 Strijdblad der N.S.D.A.P. Dutch collaboration newspaper.
Horsa brake-shoe found LZ-S Wolfheze Horsa brake-shoe found LZ-S Wolfheze. These kind of Original parts are rare. Most of them are burned during the first days of the battle of Arnhem. The Germans burned most of the Horsa gliders. The fifth photograph is made at the Glider Museum Wolfheze. You see a wheel shaft with a brake system around it. Six brake shoes are attached. On the outside of the brake shoes you still see the brake lining material. The one I offer has no brake lining material on the shoe anymore. It was underground for more then 50 years and came off over the years.
Hospital train 662 photograph, Lazarettzug 662 Foto Remarkable photo of hospital train 662. The photo was most likely taken after the train passed through Berlin on February 23, 1945. This information comes from the war diary in which this train was written. The textpart is: Fahrt vom 19. Februar bis zum 28. Februar 1945 von Lübeck nach Stolp, wo 585 Verwundete übernommen wurden. Zwischen Stolp und Naumburg insgesamt 34 Notausladungen. 551 Verwundete wurden in Hünfeld, Bad Salzschlirf, Alsfeld, Giessen, Wetzlar, Nauheim und Kronberg entladen, der Zug selbst in Bad Nauheim abgestellt. Besondere Vorkommnisse: Am 23. Februar 1945 erfolgten gegen 20 Uhr während der Fahrt durch Berlin Bombenabwürfe in der Nähe des Zuges. Einige Fensterscheiben zerbrochen. In English: Trip from February 19th to February 28th, 1945 from Lübeck to Stolp, where 585 wounded were taken over. A total of 34 emergency unloadings between Stolp and Naumburg. 551 wounded were unloaded in Hünfeld, Bad Salzschlirf, Alsfeld, Giessen, Wetzlar, Nauheim and Kronberg, and the train itself was parked in Bad Nauheim. Special incidents: On February 23, 1945, around 8 p.m., bombs were dropped near the train while it was traveling through Berlin. Some windows broken.
Insignia and Normandy Invasion Lanyard - Dutch Prinses Irene Brigade Insignia and Normandy Invasion Lanyard - Dutch Prinses Irene Brigade. - Dutch lion with NEDERLAND underneath - British made, worn on the left sleeve of the uniform. - Dutch capbatch - British made by J.R. Gaunt, London - Invasion lanyard, given to 'Prinses Irene' soldiers who participated during D-day. Nowadays, it is a tradition new members of the regiment receive a newer version of the lanyard from a veteran of the regiment.
Interesting Lot with German Assault Badge Award Interesting lot with German Assault Badge (Infanterie Sturmabzeichen) Award to Gefreiter Frowin Beeck of 6.Kompanie Infanterie-Regiment 301 (Feldpost Dienststelle 22196C). He received the Assualt Badge after he was wounded in Russia, now (Belarus). Probably about 150 kilometer South of Minsk. The lot consists of: - German Assault Badge award (official) - 15/10/41. - Written letter awarding the Assault Badge, handwritten by his commanding officer - 20/10/1941 - 2 photographs (with X for Gefr. Beeck). - Leave extension form - Uhrlaubsverlängerung 18/10/43. - 3 letters from his parents when he was a P.O.W. - 26/11/1944, 6/12/1944 and 28/12/1944. - 2 very interesting envelopes, opened and examined by the Germans, the U.S. CENSOR and the P.O.W. Censorship, Middle East. With a few different stamps. - 5 Postcards - 4 of Nürnberg and 1 poem. - Drawn study of the blood circulation on the back of a letter - not dated. - An old wallet.
Iron Cross 2nd Class 1939 Iron Cross 2nd class 1939 - WW2 This Iron Cross is unmarked but in a nice condition. Medal with Original ribbon.
K98 Bayonet, Equal numbers, Shortened K98 Bayonet, Equal numbers, Shortened Double equal numbers: 5276 and 42ffc The bayonet has been shortened and was probably used as a combat knife.
Kit Bag Locker with Lock and Key Nice original kit bag locker with Lock and Key. Lock is still in good working order.
Kl. Werkzeugkasten Für Waffengerät - FL.62153 KL. Werkzeugkasten Für Waffengerät - FL.62153 (Small Tool box for weapon equipment) This is probably a Luftwaffe toolbox for aircraft. Original grey/green paint with the text an numbers still very clear.
Krijgsgevangen foto 2e Lt. Waarnemer J.J.Cramer / P.O.W. photograph of Dutch 2nd Lt. Observer J.J. Cramer. Krijgsgevangenfoto gemaakt in 1942. Johannes J. Cramer. 2e luitenant Waarnemer Geboren 6 augustus 1916 te Amsterdam. Op de foto is hij 26 jaar. Krijgsgevangennummer 31434 De foto is gemaakt in Oflag XIII B Teillager z.b.V. in Neurenberg-Langwasser. Bovenin zitten twee gaatjes van een nietje. Waarschijnlijk van een identiteitskaart. Foto is in zeer goede staat. ________________________ POW photo taken in 1942. Johannes J. Cramer. 2nd Lieutenant Observer. Born August 6, 1916 in Amsterdam. In the photo he is 26 years old. Prisoner of war number 31434 The photo was taken in Oflag XIII B Teillager z.b.V. in Nuremberg-Langwasser. There are two staple holes at the top. Probably from an identity card. Photo is in very good condition.
Kwatta blik van vòòr 1940. Kwatta tin pre 1940. Kwatta blik De Kwatta-reep was enorm populair onder soldaten, het leger was daarom ook de grootste afnemer van de reep. Deze was in alle kazernes te koop. Later werd de reep Kwatta's "Manoeuvre"-reep genoemd, vanwege het soldaatje dat op de wikkel was afgebeeld. The Kwatta bar was extremely popular among soldiers, which is why the army was also the largest consumer of the bar. This was for sale in all barracks. Later the bar was called Kwatta's "Maneuver" bar because of the soldier on the wrapper.
Large photo Hohenstaufen Sturmmann Paul Rohloff Large photo Hohenstaufen Sturmmann Paul Rohloff Paul Rohloff died in the Caen area on july 26,1944. This date is mentioned on the memorial stone at the grave where he is buried with two other German soldiers. He is buried at La Cambe German Military Cemetery, Basse-Normandie, France. the photo states the date of death on June 26, 1944. On July 25, 1944, the 9.SS-Panzer-Division "Hohenstaufen" was sent to the south of Caen. The Division launched a concentrated counterattack east of the Orne, which was successful and prevented the breakthrough of the Canadian forces. Paul was probably killed during this counterattack. Please see a picture of his memorial stone: The photo can be sent - without the frame - with frame but at your own risk. Please inquire about shipping costs before you pay.
Large WW1 photograph of an officer on a NSU motor Very nice and large WW1 photograph. 30 x 45 cm Fantastic photo of a German officer on an NSU motorcycle. The photo is printed on hard cardboard and is in very nice condition. In my 30 years of collecting photos, I have never seen such a hard photo format. Really great!
Letts\'s Aircraft Notebook - 5th edition 1945 5th Edition Letts's AIRCRAFT NOTE BOOK, first published in 1941 this example dates from 1945. The booklet contains many notes and drawings
Lodix Shoe Polish Lodix Shoe Polish Text on the lid: Lodix FARBFRISCH mittelbraun DM -,45 Lext on the side: FEINSTE TERPENTINÖLWARE Nr. 2 MITTELBRAUN INHALT 40,5 CCM SIEGEL-WERKE GMBH
Lot of 3 Documents WW1 - Ingenieur Reese Lot of 3 Documents WW1 - Ingenieur Reese. He was a member of Eisenbahn-Regiment Nr. 1, 3. Ersatz Kompanie The lot consists of: - Leave form - Urlaubschein, dd. 27/11/1915 - Delouse form, dd. 25/01/1916 - Invitation Christmas Party, dd december 1917. On the back of this form there is written 'Ingenieur Reese' and three other names
M3/M3A1 Submachine Gun Magazine Loader This is a fast loader for the M3 and the, in 1944 improved, M3A1 machine gun magazines. The M3 was also called Grease gun. Due to the stiff spring tension of the 30 rounds magazine a loader was required. With the arrival of the updated M3A1, the magazine loader was also introduced.
Magarine Box - Margarinewerk Hellbrook i. Holst Magarine Box - Margarinewerk Hellbrook i. Holst The box measures 43,5 x 18 x 8 cm This more than 70 years old box is still in good condition
Magnet cigarettes - unopend package Very nice unopened Magnet cigarettes package Dutch text on the back: Amateur cigarettes. For personal use only. Forbidden to trade these cigarettes. Pursuant to Article 1 paragraph 5 of tobacco and tobacco products. Decision 1940, no. 1.
Medallion - Commemorative Flight of Zeppelin LZ11 Medallion - Commemorative Flight of Zeppelin LZ11. Bronze; 64 mm diameter. Year: 1913. Sculptor: K Goetz. Obverse, Bust and text: GRAF FERDINAND VON ZEPPELIN Reverse, Zeppelin over sun-rise, with naked male inscribing on tablet FERNFAHRT VON FRIEDRICHSHAFEN NACH AUGSBURG 4 MAI 1913
Medallion - Flight over the Ocean by the Zeppelin ZR III. Medallion - Flight over the Ocean by the Zeppelin ZR III. Silver: 33,3 mm diameter. Year: 1924. Sculptor: Karl Goetz. Obverse: Zeppelin flighing over the ocean, underneath the ship of Columbus. Text: ERINNER VNG.AN.Z.R.III.OZEAN FAHRT 1492 1924 Reverse: V. HÜNEFELD*KÖHL*FITZMAURICE. EIN WILLE EINE TAT EI SIEG BREMEN
Medallion - In remembrance of Professor Hugo Junkers Medallion - In remembrance of Professor Hugo Junkers - Creator of Junkerswerke in Dessau, Germany. Bronze; 73mm diameter. Year: 1935. Sculptor: ? Obverse: Bust of and text: PROFESSOR . HUGO JUNKERS † 1935 Reverse: Junkers aeroplane and bird fliy in the same direction. Text: SCHÖPFER D. JUNKERSWERKE IN . DESSAU .
Medallion - To Honour the German Fighterpilot Oswald Bölcke Medallion - To Honour the German Fighterpilot Oswald Bölcke Silver; 33,3 mm diameter. Year: 1924. Sculptor: F. Eue. Obverse, Bust and text: OSWALD BÖLCKE Reverse, Air combat, English plane shot down. Text: DEUTSCHER HELDENMÜT IN DEN LÜFTEN
Medallion - To Remember the World Tour of Zeppelin D.L.Z.127 Medallion - To Remember the World Tour of Zeppelin D.L.Z.127 Bronze; 50 mm diameter. Year: 1929. Sculptors Mayer & Wilhelm Stuttgart. Obverse, bust of Graf Zeppelin. Text: Z.ER.A.D.WELTFAHRT D.L.Z.127 AUG.1929, 33737 km, 287 Std 36. Reverse, a globe with text: FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 15.8., TOKIO 18.8., LOS ANGELES 26.8., NEW YORK 29.8.
Medallion - Tribute from congress to Charles Lindbergh Medallion, U.S. Mint Medal No. 645. Tribute from congress to Charles Lindbergh. Bronze; 70mm diameter. Year: 1930. Sculptor: Laura Gardin Fraser. Obverse: Profile bust of Lindbergh wearing a leather flight helmet. Text: LINDBERGH, MEDAL OF THE CONGRESS, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Reverse: Eagle in flight through day and night depicted. This medal was ordered by an Act of Congress on May 4, 1928 to commemorate Brigadier General Charles A. Lindbergh and his non-stop flight across the Atlantic Ocean in his plane "The Spirit of St. Louis".
Milde Sorte - Full package - German Cigarettes Milde Sorte - Full package - German Cigarettes Manufacturer: Austria Tabakwerke A.G. Text on lable: 10 zigaretten das Stück Rpf 4. In the middle of the lable is a relief printing of a Wehrmacht eagle. See also page 292 of the book: "Deutsche Soldaten - Uniforms, Equipment and Personal Items of the German Soldier 1939-45" The small package is pictured on this page.
Milk Can made of a German Gasmask Canister Milk Can made of a German Gasmask Canister Because household utensils were scarce after the war they were made out of all kind of military objects.
Mobilisatie jeneverkruik - 1939 - J.G. Kooymans & Zn, \'s Hertogenbosch - Mobilization gin jar - 1939 - J.G. Kooymans & Zn, \'s-Hertogenbosch Hand beschilderde geglazuurde aardewerken kruik. De fles is afsluitbaat d.m.v. een aardenwerken dop. Deze is voorzien van een kurk zodat de fles goed afsluit. Op de kruik staat “Nederland in oorlog - 1940”. Op de bodem van de fles staat een stempel van J.G. Kooymans & Zn, 's Hertogenbosch. Dit is de maker van de fles. ____________________________________ Hand painted glazed pottery jug. The bottle can be closed by means of a an pottery cap. This is provided with a cork so that the bottle closes properly. The jug reads "The Netherlands at war - 1940". On the bottom of the bottle is a stamp of J.G. Kooymans & Sons, 's-Hertogenbosch. This is the maker of the bottle.
Mussert\'s Mei-rede - 1941 Original reprint from Volk en Vaderland of Friday May 2nd 1941. A National Socialist newspaper. Overdruk uit Volk en Vaderland van vrijdag 2 mei 1941.
NAD Membership Badge 'Nederlandsche Arbeidsdienst' (Dutch labour service) Membership Badge (NAD Draagteken). The NAD was the Dutch equivalent for the German RAD. The enamelled badge is showing the NAD motto 'Ick Dien' (I serve) and a spade. The badge is nicely marked on the reverse by the company 'Kon.-Begeer' in Voorschoten. Nice example in good used condition! 'Nederlandsche Arbeidsdienst' ledenspeld (NAD Draagteken). De NAD is de Nederlandse versie van de Duitse RAD. De geëmailleerde ledenspeld toont het NAD motto: 'Ick Dien' en een schep tussen twee korenarens. De speld is op de achterzijde mooi gemarkeerd door de firma 'Kon.-Begeer' in Voorschoten. Mooi exemplaar in goede gebruikte staat!
Named Brass Duty Bed Plate - RAOC (Royal Army Ordonance Corps) - Mitchell E. E. Brass Duty Bed Plate - RAOC (Royal Army Ordonance Corps) named 7584841 Mitchell E. E. with a lovely patina.
Named British Kings Royal Rifles Service Dress and Trousers. Named British Kings Royal Rifles Service Dress and Trousers. Rank: Major. Name of Officer: G. O'Brien Power esq. Uniform dated: 1941. Ribbons on jacket: OBE, 1939-1945 Star, Africa Star (8th Army), Italy Star. KRR metal shouldertitles and Major crowns on both epaulettes. Condition: Uniform is in a nice used condition. There are some minor repairs and there is a black spot on the back of the jacket.
Newspaper \"De Misthoorn\" Anti-Semitic newspaper - De Misthoorn, saterday October 19 1940 - 3rd year number 63 - 16 pages. Antisemitische krant  - De Misthoorn, zaterdag 19 october 1940 - 3e jaargang nummer 63 - 16 pagina's.
Newspaper \'De Misthoorn\' Anti-Semitic newspaper - De Misthoorn, saterday October 12 1940 - 3rd year number 62 - 16 pages. Antisemitische krant  - De Misthoorn, zaterdag 12 october 1940 - 3e jaargang nummer 62 - 16 pagina's.
Nice Air Ministry Picture (pressphoto) off Howard Peter Blatchford (37715) Battle of Britain.. Battle of Britain Pilot and Wing Commander. In December 1940, Blatchford was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross: Flight Lieutenant Howard Peter Blatchford (37715), No. 257 Squadron. In November, 1940, this officer was the leader of a squadron which destroyed eight and damaged a further five enemy aircraft in one day. In the course of the combat he rammed and damaged a hostile fighter when his ammunition was expended, and then made two determined head-on feint attacks on enemy fighters, which drove them off. He has shown magnificent leadership and outstanding courage. At the time of his death, Blatchford had claimed five aircraft shot down, three shared aircraft shot down, three "probables", four damaged and one shared damaged.
Nice colorful cardboard box for Daimon batteries Cardboard box for Daimon batteries probably used before WW2. Note the price in RM (Reichs Mark). A game is printed on the lid. On the inside of the lid is a beautiful drawing.
Nice Large Photograph of a Wooden Bridge Build by Royal Engineers Full-size photograph of a British Royal Engineers unit who built a large wooden bridge. The photo was taken around the years of the First World War.
Nice Original Caltrop (Kraaienpoot) Nice Original Caltrop (Kraaienpoot). These caltrops were used by SOE-agents, resistance, army and police forces to stop vehicles from driving. The sharp points and edges of the coltrop tore the tires so the vehicles were forced to stop. Most likely produces by the Hembrug Company Some of the original paint still present. Height: 9 cm
Nice Silver Tie Clip of a Kris - Netherlands Indies Nice Silver Tie Clip of a Kris - Netherlands Indies - 6,4 cm. Marked 900. Mooie Zilveren Dasspeld van een Kris - Nederlands-Indië - 6,4 cm. Gemarkeerd 900.
Notverbände und ihre Technik - 1942 Nice civil German booklet about the application of emergency bandages. By Dr. Marlot Date 1942. 47 pages. In a very good condition.
NSB booklet Groen van Prinsterer, Dr. Kuyper en Mussert (1941) Niet een heel zeldzaam boekje. Wat echter leuk is, is dat dit exemplaar behoorde tot de leeskring van de Nationale Jeugdstorm. Een stencil met gebruiktaanwijzingen is aan de binnenkant van de kaft geplakt. Uitgegeven door de NENASU Leiden. (Nederlandsch Nationaal Socialistische Uitgeverij) De Nationale Jeugdstorm was een Nederlandse jongerenbeweging die van 1934 tot 1945 bestaan heeft, georganiseerd naar voorbeeld van de Duitse Hitlerjugend en als nationaalsocialistische tegenhanger van de padvinderij. ________________ Booklet published in 1941 by the Dutch National Socialist Movement. Not a very rare item. What is nice, however, is that this copy belonged to the reading circle of the Dutch Nationale Jeugdstorm. A stencil with instructions for use is glued to the inside of the cover. Published by the NENASU Leiden, the Netherlands. (Nederlandsch Nationaal Socialistische Uitgeverij) The Nationale Jeugdstorm was a Dutch youth movement that existed from 1934 to 1945, organized after the example of the German Hitler Youth and as a National Socialist counterpart to Boy Scouts.
NSB Booklet \'VOOR HET TE LAAT IS....! Het bekende Nederlandse boekje 'VOOR HET TE LAAT IS....!' gepubliceerd door de NSB, in 1941. 31 Blz. laatste blz. heeft twee scheurtjes die nagenoeg onzichtbaar zijn. Op de voorkaft staat geschreven: '12 nov. 1941 in de bus geworpen.' In redelijke gebruikte conditie. The well-known Dutch booklet 'BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE....! published by the NSB, National Socialist Movement in 1941. 31 Pages. Last page has two tears but they are virtually invisible. On the front cover is written '12 Nov. 1941 thrown into the letterbox.' Nice used condition.
NSB Propaganda Leaflet - Met Duitschland Voor Nieuw Europa Waarom? NSB Propaganda Leaflet - Met Duitschland Voor Nieuw Europa Waarom? - K 2047. Hand written date 1 Dec. 1941. The leaflet is folded and has some small cracks. Bottom right corner small piece missing.. A postwar stamp of a collector (Verzameling Joh. Houthuijsen)
NSB Propaganda Leaflet - Nederlanders! Neemt Dienst - Vrijwilligers-Legioen Nederland NSB Propaganda Leaflet - Nederlanders! Neemt Dienst - Vrijwilligers-Legioen Nederland This leaflet was uses to get volunteers for the Dutch Waffen-SS. Volunteers could sign up in Amsterdam, Heerlen, Groningen, Arnhem, Breda, Deventer, Utrecht and Den Haag. Size: 13,5 , 21 cm Leaflet is in a very nice condition.
Official Air Ministry Spitfire photograph EN664 O Known information about this Spitfire: Spitfire EN664 model: PRXI factory: CHA engine: M63 541Sqn 26-7-43 542Sqn 23-9-44 Pilots who flew with EN664: Name Date Rank Status BENDIXSEN, J 0000‑00‑00 F/L ok SHAWYER, H K 1943‑07‑28 F/O ok POLLARD, D 1943‑09‑04 P/O kia GLOVER, A 1943‑09‑08 P/O ok BURNIAT, P G 1943‑10‑04 P/O ok HERBERT, H T 1943‑10‑19 P/O ok PLATTS, G 1943‑10‑21 F/L kia MACLEAN, R O 1943‑10‑28 F/O kia BONNAR, N J 1943‑11‑16 F/L kifa SCARGILL, L H 1943‑11‑23 F/L ok CAMPBELL, R M 1943‑12‑27 F/O ok ROWBOTHAM, J N 1944‑01‑07 F/Sgt kia GRAVENSTEDE, D J 1944‑04‑09 P/O ok BENDIXSEN, J 1944‑04‑22 F/L ok SHELMERDINE, J H 1944‑06‑05 F/L ok GRIFFITHS, W S 1944‑06‑10 F/O kia KEMP-LEWIS, R H 1944‑06‑12 F/L ok LAVENDER, J 1944‑06‑14 P/O ok MOUZON, LJ 1944‑07‑23 P/O ok LOTT, A MK 1944‑08‑04 F/L ok HILL, D G 1944‑08‑04 Sgt ok WHALEY, N P 1944‑08‑06 F/L kia MACKIE, R E 1944‑08‑07 F/O ok GREEN, L A 1944‑08‑09 F/L ok GARVEY, R F C 1944‑08‑18 F/L ok ARNOLD, C K 1944‑09‑01 F/O ok Information found on:
Oillamp made of a German gasmask filter The oillamp is made out of a German Gasmask Filter. The wall bracket can be easily removed. There is no wick in the wick holder now. The glass is original and from that period also. Because household utensils were scarce after the war they were made out of all kind of military objects.
Orde en Vrede (Order and Peace) Medal with FOUR Year Clasps, with certificate Orde en Vrede (Order and Peace) Medal with FOUR Year Clasps, 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, with certificate to Marine Corporal J.H. Neijs (21915). The Decoration of Order and Peace is intended for soldiers of the 3 armed forces and of the Royal Netherlands East Indies Army. They must have been in actual service in the Dutch East Indies and the adjacent sea areas between September 3, 1945 and June 4, 1951. The decoration is awarded by the Minister of Defence. ________________ Ereteken voor Orde en Vrede, met VIER jaargespen, 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, met oorkonde van de Korporaal der Mariniers J.H. Neijs (21915). Het Ereteken Orde en Vrede is bedoeld voor militairen van de 3 krijgsmachtonderdelen en van het Koninklijk Nederlands-Indisch Leger. Zij moeten in Nederlands-Indië en de aangrenzende zeegebieden tussen 3 september 1945 en 4 juni 1951 ten minste 3 maanden in werkelijke dienst zijn geweest. Het ereteken wordt uitgereikt door de minister van Defensie.
Original Operation Varsity Aerial photo of Landing Zone O and U at Hamminkeln, March 24, 1945 This is an original Aerial photo of Operation Varsity made by the 13th Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron of the 7th Photographic Reconnaissance Group (8th US Air Force) on March 24, 1945 just after de gliders landed. On the photo you see the southern part of LZ-O and the Eastern part of LZ-U with a large number of gliders on it. (LZ = Landing Zone) These gliders transported troops of the 6th Airlanding Brigade. This brigade consisted of: - The 2nd Battalion The Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry, should land on LZ-O, - 1st Battalion The Royal Ulster Rifles, on LZ-U. - The 12th Battalion The Devonshire Regiment, on LZ-R. - The 3rd Airlanding Anti-Tank Battery, No.1 Troop of the 591st Parachute Squadron (Attached to the 1st Airlanding Brigade). - The 195th Airlanding Field Ambulance (Attached to the 1st Airlanding Brigade). There are two indications written by hand on this picture: 'FLAK' and 'ENEMY ARMD CARS'. Both were eliminated after landing. At the bottom of the photo is the city of Hamminkeln, it is not visible. Hamminkeln station is visible, see indication on the second photo. This was one of the goals of 1st R.U.R. Not all gliders ended up on the planned LZ. Many ended up in between LZ-O and LZ-U as you can see in the picture.
Original Pilot\'s notes for Wellington - 1944 A.P. 1578C, K - P-PN Original RAF Pilot\'s Notes (Flight Manual, Pilots Handbook) for the Vickers Wellington bomber aircraft , Marks III, X - XIV. Amendment parts glued into the booklet for marks XVII and XVIII. Original 2nd edition dated Jan 1944 (printed june 1944 - printers code on bottom of rear cover). Amendments made in 1950. Chapters: Part I – Descriptive - Introduction - Fuel and oil systems - Main services - Aircraft controls - Engine controles - Other controles Part II - Handling instructions Part III - Operating data Part IV - Emergencies Part V - Illustration
Original Sheet Music \'Die Fahne Hoch\' from Horst Wessel Die Fahne hoch die Reihen dicht geschlossen - Horst Wessel song. Four-page original music sheet with text and notes dated 1930 by Sunnwend Verlag, only slightly margined - piano arrangement by Gustav Groschwitz The Horst Wessel Song also known by its opening words "Die Fahne hoch, was the anthem of the Nazi Party from 1930 to 1945. From 1933 to 1945, the Nazis made it the co-national anthem of Germany, along with the first stanza of the "Deutschlandlied". The music sheet is in a nice used condition. The front was torn over a length of 10 centimeters and had an old repair with clear adhesive paper on the music side of the page. this repair was not nicely done and has been removed. Then a new repair was done with rice paper. the faint brown spots from the old repair are still slightly visible.
Package of Dutch Shampoo with WW2 K-number WW2 produced shampoo.The content is still there. Even these products that also used paper for packaging were provided with a K-number. Every piece of paper that was officially made for consumers was given this German identity number. In this case: K 268
Pair of jubilee Russian Medals Pair of jubilee Russian Medals. mounted. Both bronze Left medal: Text obverse: "1945 1965 ". Text reverse: "ДВАДЦАТЬ ЛЕТ ПОБЕДЫ В ВЕЛИКОЙ ОТЕЧЕСТВЕННОЙ ВОЙНЕ 1941 - 1945 ГГ" The Jubilee Medal "Twenty Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941–1945" was awarded to: all military and civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of the USSR who took part in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945 Right medal: Text obverse: "1918 1978 ". Text reverse: "Шестьдесят ЛЕТ ВООРУЖЕННЫХ СИЛ СССР" The Medal for Combat Service was created on October 17, 1938 and was for "combat action resulting in a military success", "courageous defense of the state borders", or "successful military and political training and preparation".
Pair of WW2 Army Officer Slip on Ranks for the metal pips Nice pair of WW2 Army Officer Slip on Ranks for the metal pips. Very good condition.
Pair of WW2 British Army Officer Slip on Ranks, REME Captain Pair of WW2 Army Officer Slip on Ranks, REME Captain (Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers.) Nice used condition. Size: 6,7 x 10,6 cm.
Parachute harness quick release buckle Parachute harness quick release buckle. The quick release still works well. The hooks can still be pressed in and the clock can be turned to release the hooks.
Parachutist / SOE Knee Pads Parachutist / SOE Knee Pads. Dated: 1943. Maker: Emile Littler. A very nice, original and rare 1943 dated pair of knee pads. These knee pads were issued to British Paratroops and SOE parachutists in the early years of parachuting. A leather lace is used as a quick release. British made and at that time copied from the knee pads of German Fallschirmjäger. One of the attached images shows a copy of a photo from the book Ganze Männer (Hauptmann Piehl, about the German Fallschirmjäger). Look at the simularity to the British knee pads. Stamped: EMILE LITTLER W↑D 1943.
Paul Metz Mussertman aan het Oostfront - Zeldzaam boekje Dutch waffen-SS diary published in 2005. Deze eerste druk uit 2005 is nog in een goede staat en is voorzien van het originele stofomslag. Dit is het dagboek van Paul Metz die in 1941 en 1942 met het Vrijwilligers Legioen Nederland aan het Oostfront vocht waar hij was ingedeeld bij de 3e Companie. Hij sneuvelde op 10 augustus 1942 aan zijn verwondingen. Het oorlogsdagboek van Paul Metz is een bijzonder document. Op het Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie (NIOD) worden veel dagboeken uit de Tweede Wereldoorlog bewaard, maar de meeste zijn van gewone Nederlanders, niet van oorlogsvrijwilligers Legioen Nederland. De waarde van Metz’ dagboek, dat ook bij het NIOD berust, is meerdere mensen opgevallen. Al in 1946 werden zijn oorlogsaantekeningen door een advocate opgemerkt. Zij kwam de beduimelde schriftjes tegen in de boedel van een overleden NSB-er en besloot ze naar de net opgerichte Oorlogsdocumentatie te sturen. In 1954 werd een gedeelte, weliswaar anomien, gepubliceerd in Dagboekfragmenten 1940-1945. Een paar jaar geleden trokken Metz’ geschriften opnieuw de aandacht. Gerard Groeneveld maakte er gebruik van voor zijn boek Kriegsberichter. Nederlandse SS-oorlogsverslaggevers 1941-1945 uit 2004. Op Groenevelds initiatief is dit dagboek als een op zichzelf staande historische bron uitgegeven. Hij heeft het fraai uitgevoerde boek bezorgd en voorzien van een interessante inleiding. Een fotokatern met vooroorlogse foto’s van Metz en frontkiekjes gemaakt door zijn vriend Joop Capelle vormen een waardevolle aanvulling op de tekst.
Philips Blackout Flashlight bulbs - Verduisterings Zaklantaarnlampjes A box of Philips Blackout Flashlight bulbs, 2,5 volts. There are five original lights present in the box. These lights were approved by the Dutch ARP (Air Raid Precautions) with approval number 710. Despite its age, the box is still in good condition. Dutch Een doosje Philips Verduisterings Zaklantaarnlampjes, 2,5 volt. In het doosje zijn nog vijf originele lampjes aanwezig. Deze lampjes zijn goedgekeurd door de Nederlandse I.L.B(Inspectie Lucht Bescherming) met goedkeuringsnummer 710. Ondanks de leeftijd is het doosje nog in goede staat.
Photograph of a Boy With a Baby Gas Masc Nice rare photograph of a boy with a baby gas masc. Size: 9 x 6,3 cm. The baby's mask would have totally enclosed the baby and air would have been pumped into the mask with a hand pump.
Photograph of a minesweeper with Unit 30 Emblem Photograph of a minesweeper with Unit 30 Emblem Original photo Size: 12,5 x 17,5 cm Photo paper: Agfa Brovira
Photograph preparing a Halifax for SOE Container Operation British an Jugoslav troops are transferring supplies from a lorry to a waiting Halifax. This press photo was released on October 9th 1944. Please check the text on the back of the photo!
Photograph Waffen SS man wearing Tarnjacke 3 Photograph Waffen SS man wearing Tarnjacke. Original photograph. Size: 8,6 x 8,5 cm. Photopaper: LEONAR.
Photograph Waffen SS men wearing Tarnjacke 1 Photograph Waffen SS men wearing Tarnjacke. Original photograph. Size: 6,3 x 9,1 cm. Marked with two stamps: - Mimoda Kiel - Fet. Ernst Ksufmann, Bad Reichenhall, Liebigstr. 3 On the back is written: Kameraden des Heeres und der Waffen SS
Photograph Waffen SS men wearing Tarnjacke 2 Photograph Waffen SS men wearing Tarnjacke. Original photograph. Size: 6,3 x 9,3 cm. Marked with a stamps: - Mimoda Kiel On the back is written: E. Baümann.
Photograph WW1 pilot Ludwig Ehrbar The pilot's name is written on the front of the photo. A message is written on the back where he signs with his first name. The message date is february or May 2nd 1918 (The Roman month numeral can be either a 2 or a 5). A fine example of elite aviator clothing, see the typically dented cap and heavy jacket with the lambskin collar.
Pin of the Dutch Union (Nederlandse Unie) - WW2 The Dutch Union (Nederlandsche Unie) was a Dutch political movement during the German occupation of the Netherlands in World War II, founded by a triumvirate consisting of Louis Einthoven, Johannes Linthorst Homan and Jan de Quay. The pin is made by Koninklijk Begeer - Voorschoten.
Pirin Cigarettes 1943 - Bulgarian Cigarettes - пиринъ Full package of Pirin cigarettes (20 pieces) from Bulgaria. There is still a small piece of the paper seal left where 1943 is just visible. пиринъ 20 папироси (Pirin 20 cigarettes) Pirin is a national park located in southwestern Bulgaria. The cigarettes are named after this park. The mountains of Pirin are also visible on the front of the package.
Plate The tin glazed earthenware plate marking the capitulation of the Netherlands to the German and of remembrance of the soldiers who gave their lives from May 10 - 14 1940. The dates of the capitulation to the Germans, May 14th , after the invasion of the Nazis on May 10th 1940. Decorated in shades of blue with a cross with flowers under a tree within the Dutch fenced garden and 10 - 14 MEI. On the rim the text: GETROUW TOT IN DEN DOOD - 1940. (Faithfull untill death.) Plate designed by D.J. van Arum. Signed on the back in underglaze blue for: DE PORCELEYNE FLES - ROYAL DELFT DELFT - HOLLAND & BJ = 1940. Painter’s initials: VA = Thomas van Arum. Painter & Designer. Employment dates: 31 March 1890 - 1945
Players Medium Navy Cut Tin Nice small Players Medium Navy Cut Tin in good condition.
Poland Oder, Neisse, Baltic Medal The Oder, Neisse, Baltic Medal was established by the Council of Ministers in 1945. It was awarded to Polish military personnel and civilians for participation in combat near the Oder, the Neisse, and the Baltic Sea in March and April 1945. It was awarded for a short period by the Republic of Poland before it was officially discontinued in 1999. On the reverse: RP ZWYCIĘZCOM III.1945 IV.1945 (RP TO THE WINNERS MARCH 1945 APRIL 1945)
Poland. Medal for Warsaw 1939–1945 The Medal for Warsaw 1939–1945 (Polish: Medal za Warszawę 1939–1945) was a Polish commemorative medal awarded by the Polish People\'s Republic to commemorate active participation in defending Warsaw in 1939, 1944 Warsaw Uprising, and in liberation of Warsaw from Nazi Germany in January 1945 On the reverse: RP OBROŃCOM BOJOWNIKOM OSWOBODZICIELOM (THE REPUBLIC OF DEFENDERS, LIBERATION FIGHTERS)
Polish Air Force Air Gunner Wings 1942 Polish Air Force Air Gunner Wings 1942. Made by J.R. Gaunt & Son Ltd. London. Please look at the original nut on the back and the chain to prevent loss. Very nice item in a good condition.
Polish Air Force Air Gunner Wings 1944 Polish Air Force Air Gunner Wings 1944. Made by J.R. Gaunt & Son Ltd. London. Please look at the original nut on the back and the chain to prevent loss. Very nice item in a good condition.
Polish Air Force Air Gunner/Radio Operator Wings 1942 Polish Air Force Air Gunner/Radio Operator Wings 1942. Made by J.R. Gaunt & Son Ltd. London. Please look at the original nut on the back and the chain to prevent loss. Very nice item in a good condition.
Polish Air Force Air Gunner/Radio Operator Wings 1944 Polish Air Force Air Gunner/Radio Operator Wings 1942. Made by J.R. Gaunt & Son Ltd. London. Please look at the original nut on the back and the chain to prevent loss. Very nice item in a good condition.
Polish Medal Odre-Nyse-Baltic 1945 The Polish Medal for Oder, Neisse and Baltic was awarded by the Polish People's Republic to commemorate those who participated in combat against the Nazi Germany for the liberation of Poland and the restoration of its old boundaries on the rivers the Oder, the Neisse and the coast of Baltic Sea.
Postcard: Wat wilt Gij vrijheid of Knechtschap - NSB This postcard is in a very nice condition. NSB = National Socialist Movement in the Netherlands
Pottery jug \'NEDERLAND VRIJ MEI 1945 (NETHERLANDS FREE MAY 1945) Pottery jug with the text 'NEDERLAND VRIJ MEI 1945 (NETHERLANDS FREE MAY 1945)', made by: Koninklijke Goedewaagen, Gouda, Holland. ______________ Aardenwerk kannetje met de tekst 'NEDERLAND VRIJ MEI 1945'. gemaakt door: Koninklijke Goedewaagen, Gouda, Holland.
Pre-WW2 German Thermometer in case with instructionpaper Pre-WW2 German Thermometer in case with instructionpaper. Complete with instructions and protection paper. Brand: Uebe. text on Thermometer: Minuten-Maximal-Thermometer mit Aluminium-Scale W.Z. 157045. ATTENTION: RED BOX ON PHOTO 4 IS NOT INCLUDED IN THIS SALE.
Printed Air Despatch Units RASC WW2 Cloth Formation Sign Printed version of the Air Despatch Units RASC WW2 Cloth Formation Sign.
Propaganda Leaflet - Koninginnedag 1942 De plechtige viering te Londen Published by PWE (Political Warfare Executive), Groot-Brittannië. This booklet is part of the series of "De Wervelwind"("The Whirlwind")
Propaganda Postcard \"Es Kann Nur Einer Siegen Und Das Sind Wir\" Propaganda Postcard "Es Kann Nur Einer Siegen Und Das Sind Wir". Adolf Hitler am 8. November 1939. On the back a printed stamp of Adolf Hitler The postcard has never been sent A nice Original in very good condition.
Propaganda Postcard \"Und Ihr Habt Doch Gesiegt!\" Propaganda Postcard "Und Ihr Habt Doch Gesiegt!" On the back a printed stamp of Hindenburg with a printed stamp November 9, 1938. The postcard has been sent to the persons parents. A nice Original in very good condition.
RAF AM Marked Hydrometer in Wooden Box RAF AM Marked Hydrometer in Wooden Box The box contains the hydrometer with two spare meters in small cardboard boxes The exterior meter glass is clearly market with an AM stamp and has REF.Nr. 5J/1582. The meters all have REF.NO. 5J/1581 Included are also two small orange/braun hoses
RAF Hand Bearing Compass Type 06A A nice clean example of a hand bearing compas with ref. 6A/1248. It's arrow marked. The compass card moves freely. Although it has a small air bubble in it's oil it still works fine and accurate. The sighting prism is perfect. These compasses were used in flight for taking bearings when the fixed type of observer's compass could not be used. Overall length 9" (21 cm)
RAF Log Book with many Partisan Operations + Photographs Log Book of W/OP F/Sgt. J.A. Moffat 1568403 Total operations: 40 (Oct 21, 1941 + Nov 4, 1944 - Apr 16, 1945) Squadrons: No. 31 Sqn. South African Airforce (11 operations) No. 37 Sqn Royal Air Force - Central Mediterranean Force (29 Operations). Aircraft: Liberator Included in the set: - Log Book (14 Operations to drop supplies (containers) for partisans in Yugoslavia and Italy) - 1 Portrait Photograph - 15 Aerial Photographs - all photographs have nice commands on the back Few remarks (out of 40!) from operational flights: - Supply Dropping to Partisans Yogoslavia. 12x300LBS containers - Supply Dropping to Partisans Northern Italy Returned to base with u/s Altimeter - Bombing bridge and German troop concentrations - Podgurica - Yugoslavia 11x1000LBS Light flak inaccurate - Supply Dropping to Partisans North East Yugoslavia. 12x350LBS containers. Fighter flares seen but no attacks made - Bombing marshalling yards at Villach (Austria) 2x1000LBS 10x500LBS. Light flak excellent bombing. More photos over the mail? No problem at all!
RAF WWII Spitfire Aircraft G45 Gun Camera. RAF WWII SPITFIRE AIRCRAFT G45 GUN CAMERA. The G45 gun camera was used throughout WWII by British fighter units and armament schools from 1939 onwards (including by the RNZAF). It was designed and manufactured by the Williamson company of London and Reading and was developed from the G42B. It used 16 mm orthochromatic film supplied in 25 ft lengths with a frame speed of 16, 18 or 20 per second, these corresponding to the rates of fire of the Lewis, Vickers K and Browning machine guns. The G45 was fitted in the wing as standard on Fighter Command aircraft (Spitfire and Hurricanes). It was controlled by an electrical switch operated by the gun-firing pneumatic system. On this camera, the side panel states: Camera Type G.45 24 Volts Ref. No. 14A/1390*. AM, Serial No. 31611, Williamson Mfg. Co. Ltd. London & Reading. Lens has following: Short Lens Type G.45 Ref. No. 14 A/1399* AM Serial No. M22549" and is painted black. Reference number of "14" was used by Air Ministry for all aircraft photographic equipment. Lens has heater element installed (this can be removed by pulling out after removing glass cover). On top is a formica plate with "24 Volts" written on it. Film magazine included which states "Magazine Type G45 Ref. No. 14a/1393 Serial No. 119502 Williamson Mfg. Co. Ltd. London & Reading". The film magazine can be placed in two different ways, on top and on the side of the camera. On the side door is "Ref. No. 14A/1441" visible and on the top port " Ref. No. 14A/1392*". See nice film images on: At about 1 minute in the film, the camera is placed in the left wing of a Spitfire.
Rangonderscheidingstekens Politie Nederlands-Indie en Nieuw Guinea - Rank insignia Police Dutch East Indies and New Guinea Rangonderscheidingstekens Algemene Politie te Nederlands Oost Indië gedurende de Politionele Acties periode en te Nieuw Guinea. Op foto 5 is Rob Dias te zien. Zijn verhaal staat op het intetnet. _________________________ Rank insignia General Police in the Dutch East Indies during the Police Action period and in New Guinea. Photo 5 shows Rob Dias. His story is on the internet.
Rare British Shoulder Title \'ARMY TECHNICAL SCHOOL\' WW2 hand embroidered shoulder title 'ARMY TECHNICAL SCHOOL'. Very nice condition. Size: 11,5 x 1,5 cm.
Rare Magazine of Combined Operations - The Bulldozer The Bulldozer was an internal magazine of Combined Operations. September 1942, number 4. Some of the articles: The Female of the Species, Near Bruneval, Life of an L.C.T. Crew, Discipline is a Wapon, Booby Traps, and more.
Rare Newspaper \"De Misthoorn\" - November 2 1940 Anti-Semitic newspaper - De Misthoorn, saterday November 2 1940 - 3rd year number 65 - 16 pages. Rare Newspaper, the spine of the newspaper is thin. Antisemitische krant  - De Misthoorn, zaterdag 2 november 1940 - 3e jaargang nummer 65 - 16 pagina's. Zeldzame krant, de rug van de krant is dun.
Rare Newspaper \"De Misthoorn\" - September 21 1940 Anti-Semitic newspaper - De Misthoorn, saterday September 21 1940 - 3rd year number 59 - 16 pages. Rare Newspaper, the spine of the newspaper is thin. Antisemitische krant  - De Misthoorn, zaterdag 21 september 1940 - 3e jaargang nummer 59 - 16 pagina's. Zeldzame krant, de rug van de krant is dun.
Rare original illustrated photo-book \"TARGET for TONIGHT\", The booklet (32 pages) of the famous film "TARGET for TONIGHT", A documentary film about a raid on Freihausen, released in 1941 is in excellent (almost new) condition. The story is about a bombing raid on Germany, how it was planned and how it was executed. Each part was played by the actual staff who did the job, from Commander-in-chief to ground crew. The film concentrates on a Wellington bomber "F for Freddie" and was made by the Crown Film Unit. The booklet was sold at the time for six old pence - 6D. The film can be seen on youtube.
Rare Porcelain Perfume Bottle with Portrait Piet Joubert, including the Stopper Rare Boer War perfume bottle made by Boldoot Amsterdam with a portrait of Piet Joubert, Commander-General of South-Africa Approx 3 inches by 2,5 inches.
Rare Set of Polish Batches concerning the Battle of Monte Casino. The set consists of: - 2nd "Warsaw" Armoured Division, 2nd Polish Corps printed batch - 2nd Polish Corps batch - Silver Polish Cap batch -1st Krechowiecki Lancers Regiment Beret Pennant. (made by PICCHIANI & BARLACCHI, Firenze - Italy) Picchiani & Barlacchi still designs and manufactures medals today. It has been a metal working company since 1902. The 2nd Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment. was part of the 2nd Warsaw Armoured Division, 2nd Polish Corps of General Anders.
Rare small magazine Balans der Fronten Balans der fronten Bound with one staple Text in Dutch. Illustrated magazine about WO II with the attack on May 1940 on Poland, war in Norway and tactic preparations. Chapters: De eerste fronten, Nadeel der verspreide ligging, Een millioenenvloot ging ten onder, Fronten, materieel en reserves, Front in het Westen, Dieppe 1942, Het front der verbindingslijnen, Het productie-front. Date 1942. 28 pages. 16 b/w photographs and 1 drawing In a nice used condition.
Rare! The New Pictorial map of London - 1934 A very charming pictorial map of London. The New Pictorial Map of London Geographia Ltd London 1934 Sheet size 74 x 49 cm, folding into thin card color pictorial wrappers 11 x 18 cm. The map and cover are in a fine condition. Map is crisp and clean. The title of this map is shared with other publications by Geographia which lack the artistic and comic character which makes this map desirable. Of note are the large size and boldly designed border which distinguish it from a smaller (half size) edition of the comic pictorial map. It is a light-hearted map of London, in the vein of MacDonald Gill's Famous Wonderground Map of London Town, with comic figures and humorous quips in speech bubbles. The map covers the area from The Albert Hall at lower left to the Tower of London and Bank of England at right, from Euston Road at upper edge to the Elephant and Castle. There is an inset street map at upper left marking Theatres, and another at upper right marking Cinemas. Initials WJH appear in decorative border at lower right.
Red Cross Letter From the Free South of the Netherlands to the Still Occupied North of the Netherlands. Nice Red Cross letter from the free south of Holland to the occupies middle of Holland. Letter with envelope.
Red Cross Letter from the Netherlands to Great Britain July 17th 1943. Red Cross Letter from the Netherlands to Great Britain July 17th 1943. In this Red Cross letter a Dutch person asks another Dutch person how he is doing. A large number of the Dutch fled to England during the war, the procedure through the Red Cross was the only way to communicate with them. Dutch Man and women who traveled through occupied Europe during the Second World War were called Engelandvaarders.
Redevoering gehouden door Adolf Hitler 3 October 1941 Redevoering gehouden door Adolf Hitler ter gelegenheid van de opening van de 3de oorlogs-winterhulpactie in het Berlijnsche Sportpaleis op 3 October 1941. 23 blz. Het boekje is gekaft met doorzichtig papier. ___________________ Speech by Adolf Hitler on the occasion of the opening of the 3rd war-winter relief operation in the Berlin Sports palace on October 3th, 1941. 23 pages. The booklet is covered with transparent paper.
REME Blaser Batch (Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers) REME Blaser Batch (Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers). Batch with a Kings Crown, so could have been used until 1952. Very nice condition. Size: 6,5 x 9,5 cm.
Restrike of Medal - Audacia Felix. Commemorating the invention of the air balloon in 1783, struck by order of King Louis XVI. Medal, Audacia Felix. Commemorating the invention of the air balloon in 1783, struck by order of King Louis XVI. Bronze; 51mm diameter. Year: 1784. Sculptor: ? Obverse: representations of the Montgolfier fire balloon and also an air balloon. Text: AERA PERMEARUNT XXI NOV L.F. D'ARLANDES ET F. PILATRE I DEC J.A.C. Charles et M.N. ROBERT ANNO MDCCLXXXIII. Reverse: circle of stars, text: PATEFACTO PER AERA ITINERE A JOSEPHO ET STEPHANO MONTGOLFIER V. JUNII MDCCLXXXIII, REI MEMORIAM POSTERITATI TRADI JUSSIT LUDIVICUS XVI, ANNO MDCCLXXXIV. Struck in commemoration of the Journey of Joseph and Stephen Montgolfier on the 5th June, 1783, as a remembrance to posterity by order of Louis XVI. 1784. Fortunate is he who attempts audacious things. The restrike is dated 1983
Richmond Medium Navy Cut Pipe Tabacco Tin - with RM Tax Stamp Nice tin in good condition. These tins are not hard to find but I have never seen them with a Reichs Mark tax stamp on it. The tin is manufactured in Germany and contained 50 grams of pipe tabacco.
Royal Army Ordnance Corps Brass Bed / Duty Foot Plate Royal Army Ordnance Corps Brass Bed / Duty Foot Plate. This is a authentic plate. Name on plate Mitchell E.E, Army Number 7584841
Ruassian Leaflet - IB ILLUSTRIERTES BLATT - Deutsche Kriegsgefangene in Sowjetruɮland - Juni 1943. Nr. 7 (70) Title frontpage: IB ILLUSTRIERTES BLATT - Deutsche Kriegsgefangene in Sowjetruɮland - Juni 1943. Nr. 7 (70) Title back: - Publicationdate: June 1943 K-number: 2568 Language: German Origin: Russian Total pages: 2 Condition: Very good
Russian Helmet Converted into a Shovel Russian Helmet Converted into a Shovel. This 'shovel' has been made from captered Russian helmet, a wooden handle was put into the holder, the handle is no longer present. Is probably has been used at it the Eastern Front and after for all kind of perposes (lime pits, latrines, ditches etc.).
Russian Leaflet - Achtung Wichtig fur jeden Soldaten an der Ostfront Title frontpage: Achtung Wichtig fur jeden Soldaten an der Ostfront Title back: - Publicationdate: July 1943 K-number: 2649 Language: German and Russian Origin: Russian Total pages: 2 Condition: Very Good, fold left bottom corner
Russian Leaflet - An die deutschen Soldaten des Sudabschnitts Title frontpage: An die deutschen Soldaten des Sudabschnitts Title back: Stalin hat, wie immer, recht behalten. Publicationdate: November 1942 K-number: - Language: German Origin: Russian Total pages: 2 Condition: Good, some wrinkles and a small damage top right.
Russian Leaflet - Aus ist\'s mit dem Sommer fur die deutsche Armee! Title frontpage: Aus ist's mit dem Sommer fur die deutsche Armee! Title back: - Publicationdate: July 1943 K-number: 2648 Language: German and Russian Origin: Russian Total pages: 2 Condition: Excellent
Russian Leaflet - Das \"siegreiche\" Viergespann am Scheldewege Title frontpage: Das "siegreiche" Viergespann am Scheldewege Title back: Deutsche Offiziere und Soldaten! Publicationdate: September 1943 K-number: 2742 Language: German Origin: Russian Total pages: 2 Condition: Very good, two very small pinholes
Russian Leaflet - Deutsche Generale uber die Russische Kriegsgefangenschaft Title frontpage: Deutsche Generale uber die Russische Kriegsgefangenschaft Title back: - Publicationdate: December 5th 1944 K-number: 3236 Language: German Origin: Russian Total pages: 2 Condition: Very good, left bottom corner wrinkled
Russian Leaflet - Deutscher Soldat! Hitler hat dem Deutschen Volk Frieden versprochen hat ihm aber nur Krieg ohne Ende gegeben. Title frontpage: Deutscher Soldat! Hitler hat dem Deutschen Volk Frieden versprochen hat ihm aber nur Krieg ohne Ende gegeben. Title back: (blank) Publicationdate: July 1941 K-number: - Language: German Origin: Russian Total pages: 1 Condition: Reasonable. Although the leaflet is damaged and has some burn marks. Cause: shot over by a (propaganda)rocket.
Russian Leaflet - Deutscher Soldat, uberleg\'s dir! Title frontpage: Deutscher Soldat, uberleg's dir! Title back: (blank) Publicationdate: July 1941 K-number: - Language: German Origin: Russian Total pages: 1 Condition: Although used, in a reasonable. Although the leaflet is wrinkled and has burn marks. Cause: shot over by a (propaganda)rocket.
Russian Leaflet - Deutschland hort mit! Title frontpage: Deutschland hort mit! Title back: - Publicationdate: June 1943 K-number: 2577 Language: German Origin: Russian Total pages: 2 Condition: Very good, 2 pinholes, number 236 written on leaflet.
Russian Leaflet - Deutschland in der Klemme zwischen zwei Fronten Title frontpage: Deutschland in der Klemme zwischen zwei Fronten Title back: Teheran und seine folgen Publicationdate: December 12th 1944 K-number: 3242 Language: German Origin: Russian Total pages: 2 Condition: Excellent
Russian Leaflet - Die englisch-amerikanischen Truppen landeten in Frankreich Title frontpage: Die englisch-amerikanischen Truppen landeten in Frankreich Title back: - Publicationdate: June 1944 K-number: 3038 Language: German and Russian Origin: Russian Total pages: 2 Condition: Excellent
Russian Leaflet - Die Wahrheit uber den atlantik-Wall Title frontpage: Die Wahrheit uber den atlantik-Wall Title back: "Atlantik-Wall" Publicationdate: May 1944 K-number: 2524 Language: German Origin: Russian Total pages: 2 Condition: Excellent
Russian Leaflet - Eine neue Gemeinheit Hitlers Title frontpage: Eine neue Gemeinheit Hitlers Title back: - Publicationdate: July 1943 K-number: 2613 Language: German Origin: Russian Total pages: 2 Condition: Excellent
Russian Leaflet - Erich Weinert: Zweierlei Ehre Title frontpage: Erich Weinert: Zweierlei Ehre Title back: So war's gedacht fur die zu Haus Publicationdate: May 1943 K-number: 2521 Language: German and Russian Origin: Russian Total pages: 2 Condition: Very food, very small damage on the right side.
Russian Leaflet - Erklärung - Der Führer der drei Verbündeten Mächte Title frontpage: Erklärung - Der Führer der drei Verbündeten Mächte Title back: - Publicationdate: February 22th 1945 K-number: 3306 Language: German Origin: Russian Total pages: 2 Condition: Used condition, leaflets has some defects lop left.
Russian Leaflet - Erklärung eines deutschen Oberleutnants, der auf die Seite der Sowjettruppen ubergegangen ist Title frontpage: Erklärung eines deutschen Oberleutnants, der auf die Seite der Sowjettruppen ubergegangen ist Title back: - Publicationdate: July 1943 K-number: 2637 Language: German Origin: Russian Total pages: 2 Condition: Leaflet has been folded and is torn on the bottom fold.
Russian Leaflet - FRONTnachrichten - März 1942. Nr. 127 Title frontpage: FRONTnachrichten - März 1942. Nr. 127 Title back: - Publicationdate: March 1943 K-number: 1039 Language: German and Russian Origin: Russian Total pages: 2 Condition: Very
Russian leaflet - Generalleutnant Müller hat vernunftig gehandelt Title frontpage: Generalleutnant Müller hat vernunftig gehandelt Title back: - Publicationdate: July 1944 K-number: 3091 Language: German Origin: Russian Total pages: 2 Condition: Excellent
Russian leaflet - Generalsworte, die in Erfüllung gingen Title frontpage: Generalsworte, die in Erfüllung gingen Title back: - Publicationdate: December 26th 1944 K-number: 3261 Language: German and Russian Origin: Russian Total pages: 2 Condition: Excellent
Russian Leaflet - Gib Dich freiwillig gefangen! Title frontpage: Gib Dich freiwillig gefangen! Title back: Vergunstigungen fur deutsche Offiziere und Soldaten Publicationdate: August 1943 K-number: 2707 Language: German Origin: Russian Total pages: 2 Condition: Excellent
Russian Leaflet - Glaubt Ihr dem Fuhrer? Title frontpage: Glaubt Ihr dem Fuhrer? Title back: Glaubt Ihr dem Fuhrer? Publicationdate: June 1943 K-number: 2606 Language: German Origin: Russian Total pages: 4 Condition: Good, damaged in the middle (left side when folded).
Russian Leaflet - Gruss aus dem Gefangenenlager - Nr. 2 Title frontpage: Gruss aus dem Gefangenenlager - Nr. 2 Publicationdate: June 1943 K-number: 2547 Language: German and Russian Origin: Russian Total pages: 2 Condition: Very good, three very small pinholes.
Russian Leaflet - Hinter der Kulisse Title frontpage: Hinter der Kulisse Title back: Deutsche Offiziere und Soldaten! Publicationdate: September 1943 K-number: 2745 Language: German Origin: Russian Total pages: 2 Condition: Very good, two very small pinholes
Russian Leaflet - Hitler ist Bankrott Title frontpage: Hitler ist Bankrott Title back: - Publicationdate: Probably July 1943 K-number: 2603 Language: German and Russian Origin: Russian Total pages: 2 Condition: Good, 2 small holes from a folder, 50,000 written on leaflet
Russian Leaflet - Hitler ist Bankrott Title frontpage: Hitler ist Bankrott Title back: - Publicationdate: Probably July 1943 K-number: 2603 Language: German and Russian Origin: Russian Total pages: 2 Condition: Good used condition.
Russian Leaflet - Hitler ist dein Feind! Mach dich los von ihm! Title frontpage: Hitler ist dein Feind! Mach dich los von ihm! Title back: Hitler ist dein Feind! Publicationdate: February 19th 1945 K-number: 3304 Language: German Origin: Russian Total pages: 2 Condition: Very good, nice used condition
Russian Leaflet - Hitler versprach dir zu schlagen schlacht gegen die Westplutokraten! Title frontpage: Hitler versprach dir zu schlagen schlacht gegen die Westplutokraten! Title back: (blank) Publicationdate: July 1941 K-number: - Language: German Origin: Russian Total pages: 1 Condition: Reasonable. Although the leaflet is damaged and has some burn marks. Cause: shot over by a (propaganda)rocket.
Russian leaflet - Hitlerdeutschland von zwei Fronten umklammert Title frontpage: Hitlerdeutschland von zwei Fronten umklammert Title back: - Publicationdate: November 22nd 1944 K-number: 3220 Language: German Origin: Russian Total pages: 2 Condition: Excellent
Russian Leaflet - IB ILLUSTRIERTES BLATT - Deutsche Kriegsgefangene in Sowjetruɮland Title frontpage: IB ILLUSTRIERTES BLATT - Deutsche Kriegsgefangene in Sowjetruɮland Title back: - Publicationdate: March 1943 K-number: 2426 Language: German and Russian Origin: Russian Total pages: 2 Condition: Excellent
Russian Leaflet - IB ILLUSTRIERTES BLATT - Deutsche Kriegsgefangene in Sowjetruɮland Title frontpage: IB ILLUSTRIERTES BLATT - Deutsche Kriegsgefangene in Sowjetruɮland - Juni 1943. Nr. 5 (68) Publicationdate: June 1943 K-number: 2547 Language: German Total pages: 2 Condition is good
Russian Leaflet - IB ILLUSTRIERTES BLATT - Deutsche Kriegsgefangene in Sowjetruɮland - April 1943. Nr. 3 Title frontpage: IB ILLUSTRIERTES BLATT - Deutsche Kriegsgefangene in Sowjetruɮland - April 1943. Nr. 3 Title back: - Publicationdate: April 1943 K-number: 2460 Language: German Origin: Russian Total pages: 2 Condition: Excellent
Russian Leaflet - IB ILLUSTRIERTES BLATT - Deutsche Kriegsgefangene in Sowjetruɮland - Juni 1943 Nr. 6 (69) Title frontpage: IB ILLUSTRIERTES BLATT - Deutsche Kriegsgefangene in Sowjetruɮland - Juni 1943 Nr. 6 (69) Title back: - Publicationdate: June 1943 K-number: 2551 Language: German Origin: Russian Total pages: 2 Condition:
Russian Leaflet - IB ILLUSTRIERTES BLATT - Deutsche Kriegsgefangene in Sowjetruɮland - Juni 1943. Nr. 8 (71) Title frontpage: IB ILLUSTRIERTES BLATT - Deutsche Kriegsgefangene in Sowjetruɮland - Juni 1943. Nr. 8 (71) Title back: - Publicationdate: June 1943 K-number: 2579 Language: German Origin: Russian Total pages: 2 Condition: Excellent
Russian Leaflet - IB ILLUSTRIERTES BLATT - Deutsche Kriegsgefangene in Sowjetruɮland - Juni 1943. Nr. 9 (72) Title frontpage: IB ILLUSTRIERTES BLATT - Deutsche Kriegsgefangene in Sowjetruɮland - Juni 1943. Nr. 9 (72) Title back: - Publicationdate: June 1943 K-number: 2586 Language: German Origin: Russian Total pages: 3 Condition: Good, small damage bottom left.
Russian Leaflet - IB ILLUSTRIERTES BLATT - Deutsche Kriegsgefangene in Sowjetruɮland - Juni 1943. Nr.10 (73) Title frontpage: IB ILLUSTRIERTES BLATT - Deutsche Kriegsgefangene in Sowjetruɮland - Juni 1943. Nr.10 (73) Title back: - Publicationdate: June 1943 K-number: 2592 Language: German Origin: Russian Total pages: 2 Condition: Very good, slightly damaged at the bottom.
Russian Leaflet - IB ILLUSTRIERTES BLATT - Deutsche Kriegsgefangene in Sowjetruɮland - Mai 1943. Nr 4 Title frontpage: IB ILLUSTRIERTES BLATT - Deutsche Kriegsgefangene in Sowjetruɮland - Mai 1943. Nr 4. Title back: - Publicationdate: May 1943 K-number: 2495 Language: German Origin: Russian Total pages: 2 Condition: Very good, very small damage on the right side
Russian leaflet - Kapitulation der einzige Weg zur Rettung Title frontpage: Kapitulation der einzige Weg zur Rettung Title back: - Publicationdate: FMarch 16th 1945 K-number: 3328 Language: German and Russian Origin: Russian Total pages: 2 Condition: Very good, some notes with pencil
Russian Leaflet - Letzte Warnung Geht zuruck, solange es nicht zu spat ist! Title frontpage: Letzte Warnung Geht zuruck, solange es nicht zu spat ist! Title back: - Publicationdate: August 1943 K-number: 2715 Language: German Origin: Russian Total pages: 2 Condition: Excellent
Russian Leaflet - Nationalkomitee \"Freies Deutschland\" und Bund deutscher Offiziere Title frontpage: Nationalkomitee "Freies Deutschland" und Bund deutscher Offiziere Title back: - Publicationdate: 1943 K-number: - Language: German Origin: Russian Total pages: 2 Condition: Excellent
Russian leaflet - Öffentliche Erklarung Deutscher Generale und Offiziere über die Lage der Deutschen Kriegsgefangenen in Sowjetruɮland Title frontpage: Öffentliche Erklarung Deutscher Generale und Offiziere über die Lage der Deutschen Kriegsgefangenen in Sowjetruɮland Title back: - Publicationdate: November 1944 K-number: 3218 Language: German Origin: Russian Total pages: 2 Condition: Good used condition
Russian Leaflet - Organisierte Kapitulation Eure Rettung Title frontpage: Organisierte Kapitulation Eure Rettung Title back: - Publicationdate: March 26th 1945 K-number: 3333 Language: German Origin: Russian Total pages: 2 Condition: Excellent
Russian leaflet - Schauermarchen der Hitlerfaschisten uber angebliche Greueltaten der Sowjettruppen Title frontpage: Schauermarchen der Hitlerfaschisten uber angebliche Greueltaten der Sowjettruppen Title back: - Publicationdate: November 11th 1944 K-number: 3205 Language: German Origin: Russian Total pages: 2 Condition: Excellent
Russian Leaflet - Soldat! Du willst wissen: Title frontpage: Soldat! Du willst wissen: Title back: - Publicationdate: January 1st 1945 K-number: 3280 Language: German Origin: Russian Total pages: 2 Condition: Very good, nice used condition
Russian Leaflet - Unnütze Hoffnungen! Unnütze Angst Title frontpage: Unnütze Hoffnungen! Unnütze Angst Title back: - Publicationdate: March 6th 1945 K-number: 3320 Language: German Origin: Russian Total pages: 2 Condition: Excellent Condition: Very good, although the leaflet is wrinkled and has burn marks. Cause: shot over by a (propaganda)rocket.
Russian Leaflet - Volksturmmänner Title frontpage: Volksturmmänner Title back: Volksturmmänner Publicationdate: December 22nd 1944 K-number: 3334 Language: German Origin: Russian Total pages: 2 Condition: Good used condition. Some stanes, probably from the soil were it came down.
Russian Leaflet - Warum kommen keine Kriegsgefangenenbriefe aus Russland? Title frontpage: Warum kommen keine Kriegsgefangenenbriefe aus Russland? Title back: - Publicationdate: June 1943 K-number: 2576 Language: German Origin: Russian Total pages: 2 Condition: Very good, 2 pinholes, number 834 written on leaflet.
Russian Leaflet - Was bringt der Sommer 1943? Title frontpage: Was bringt der Sommer 1943? Title back: - Publicationdate: June 1943 K-number: 2549 Language: German and Russian Origin: Russian Total pages: 2 Condition: Good, left side bit rough.
Russian Leaflet - Wie die Kriegsgefangene in Sowjetrussland leben - März 1942. Nr.11 Title frontpage: Wie die Kriegsgefangene in Sowjetrussland leben - März 1942. Nr.11 Publicationdate: March 1942 K-number: 1075 Language: German and Russian Origin: Russian Total pages: 2 Condition: Good, Few small damages on the left side
Russian Leaflet - Wie die Kriegsgefangene in Sowjetrussland leben - März 1942. Nr.6 Title frontpage: Wie die Kriegsgefangene in Sowjetrussland leben - März 1942. Nr.6 Publicationdate: March 1942 K-number: 1003 Language: German and Russian Origin: Russian Total pages: 2 Condition: Good, small damage bottom, has been taped with very small pieces of tape.
Russian Leaflet - Wie die Kriegsgefangene in Sowjetruɮland leben - Februar 1942 Nr.1 Title frontpage: Wie die Kriegsgefangene in Sowjetruɮland leben - Februar 1942 Nr.1 Title back: - Publicationdate: February 1942 K-number: 903 Language: German and Russian Origin: Russian Total pages: 2 Condition: Good, Few small damages on the left side
Russian Leaflet - Wie die Kriegsgefangene in Sowjetruɮland leben - Mai 1942. Nr.30 Title frontpage: Wie die Kriegsgefangene in Sowjetruɮland leben - Mai 1942. Nr.30 Publicationdate: May 1942 K-number: 1300 Language: German and Russian Origin: Russian Total pages: 2 Condition: Very good, four very small pinholes.
Russian Leaflet - Wir sagten stets die Wahrheit Title frontpage: Wir sagten stets die Wahrheit Title back: - Publicationdate: June 1944 K-number: 3046 Language: German and Russian Origin: Russian Total pages: 2 Condition: Excellent
Russian leaflet - Zu unseren Zielen gehort nicht die Vernichtung des deutschen Volkes. Title frontpage: Zu unseren Zielen gehort nicht die Vernichtung des deutschen Volkes. Title back: Passierschein Publicationdate: February 26th 1945 K-number: 3312 Language: German and Russian Origin: Russian Total pages: 2 Condition: Excellent
Russian Leaflet -Wie die Kriegsgefangene in Sowjetruɮland leben - Mai 1942. Nr.38 Title frontpage: Wie die Kriegsgefangene in Sowjetruɮland leben - Mai 1942. Nr.38 Title back: - Publicationdate: May 1942 K-number: 1433 Language: German and Russian Origin: Russian Total pages: 2 Condition: Very good, four very small pinholes.
Russian Medal for Combat Service Russian Medal for Combat Service (ЗА БОЕВЫЕ ЗАСЛУГИ) Silvered metal Text obverse: \"ЗА БОЕВЫЕ ЗАСЛУГИ\". Text reverse: No text. Established 17 October 1938. awarded to personnel of all ranks in the Army, Navy, Border Troops and Ministry of Internal Affairs troops for exceptional conduct in battle resulting in the successful execution of a battle task by the military division; for personal courage shown in defense of USSR borders; for excellence in military and political training; and for mastering new warfare techniques and technology.
Russian Medal for Courage or Medal for Valor Russian Medal for Courage or Medal for Valor (ЗА ОТВАГУ) Silvered metal Text obverse: "ЗА ОТВАГУ". Text reverse: No text. The Medal for Courage was created on October 17, 1938. It was awarded to soldiers of the Soviet Army, Navy, border and internal troops and other citizens of the USSR, as well as to persons who are not citizens of the USSR, for personal courage and bravery displayed in battles against the enemies of the socialist fatherland, while protecting the state border of the USSR.
Russian Medal for the Victory over Japan Russian Medal for the Victory over Japan (ЗА ПОБЕДУ НАД ЯПОНИЕЙ) Bronze Text obverse: "ЗА ПОБЕДУ НАД ЯПОНИЕЙ". Text reverse: "3 СЕНТЯБРЯ 1945 (3 September 1945)". This medal was established on September 30, 1945 to commemorate the Soviet victory over the Empire of Japan in the Great Patriotic War.
Russian Order of the Red Star Russian Order of the Red Star (Орден Краснoй Звезды). 'Monetny Dvor (МОНДВОР ДВОР)' mint mark. Silvered metal. Has a Small Defect in the Enamel ±2mm. Text obverse: "Пролетарии всех стран соединяйтесь". Text reverse: "МОНЕТНЫЙ ДВОР" + engrave number 356909. The Order of the Red Star is awarded for outstanding achievements in the defense of the USSR and for actions in maintaining state security in times of peace. It was established on April 6, 1930.
Scarce WW2 English Gregory & Quilter Badge WW2 English Gregory & Quilter Badge (GQ badge). G. and Q. Stands for James Gregory & Raymond Quilter, the founders of the G.Q. Parachute Company in the UK.  The badge was issued to airmen who used their parachute when they bailed out of an aircraft.  Wings inlaid with red, white and black enamelling, the reverse impressed 'G.Q. PARACHUTE' and Complete with the original pin. The badge is in a very good condition. No damage to the enamel. Width 38mm. Height 17mm.
Sepso Tinktur Sepso tincture is a disinfectant for wounds made and used in Germany during WW2. Was use in the German medical kit.
Serie of 11 Photographs Troops and Landingcrafts Nice serie of 11 photographs of troops who disembark from a ship into a Landing Craft Vehicle Personnel (LCVP). Probably training for the D-Day landing. The landing craft with nr. 534 is a Landing Craft Infantry (LCI (L)) LCI(L) 534New Jersey SBBarber NJ13-Jan-44To NDRF 1947
Serie of 34 Hitlerjugend Photographs - Nordrhein-Westfalen Nice photoserie of the HJ, Hitlerjugend Nordrhein-Westfalen. The serie consists of 34 personal photographs in different sizes.
Set of 8 photographs of a Polish soldier in Germany. Nice set of 8 photograps of a Polish soldier in Germany. -1 Large Portrait photo. -photo with 2 Soldiers on a British 17-pounder anti-tank gun. -photo with 1 Soldier with a Sten Mk III guarding a castle. -2 Photos with 2 men on an old canon. -3 other Photos.
Set van 3 documenten: Drie documenten van de heer Thunak wonende aan de Ottoweg 4 te Heelsum voor het repareren van glasschade aan gebouwen in de gemeente Renkum en Wageningen. -Bewijs van toegang tot de grondgebieden der Gemeente Wageningen. -Doorlopende verblijfskaart tot het grondgebied der Gemeente Renkum -Voorlopige Vergunning B om het beroep van glazenier en kunstschilder te mogen uitoefenen. De documenten zijn voorzien van diverse stempels van de N.B.S. (Nederlandse Binnenlandse Strijdkrachten) van de gemeente Renkum en Ede. Ook nog van de Politie Wageningen, gemeente Renkum en de Militaire Commissie. Meer info over de heer Thunak: Johann Albert Thunak of Thunack werd in 1912 geboren in Den Haag. Datum en plaats van overlijden zijn niet bekend. Hij noemde zich ook Graaf Johann Albert Thunack von Arnim-Boroskaja. Hij volgde een opleiding tot glazenier aan Kunstoefening in Arnhem, voorloper van de ArtEZ Academie voor beeldende kunsten. Daarnaast was hij heraldicus en genealoog. Hij woonde en werkte in Heelsum, Oosterbeek en Brummen. Van 1946 tot 1955 woonde hij aan de Julianastraat in Oosterbeek, waar hij een atelier had met de heer Nooy. Blijkens de signering heeft hij daar het herdenkingsraam in de Aula van Wageningen UR gemaakt. Naar Brummen verhuisde hij in 1955, na te zijn getrouwd met mevr. Mispelblom Beijer uit Oosterbeek. Hij ontwierp in 1937 een raam ter gelegenheid van het huwelijk van het Prinselijk paar. Ook maakte hij met Nooy ramen voor de Beatrixkerk in Ede (1940) en een raam voor de Christelijke School in die plaats. Na de oorlog vervaardigde hij onder meer drie glas-in-lood raampjes in het koor van de gerestaureerde Oude Kerk in Oosterbeek. Beschrijving In een zaal op de begane grond van de voormalige Aula van Wageningen UR aan de kant van het Prinses Irenebrigadeplein bevindt zich een glas-in- loodraam van ongeveer 350 cm hoog en 100 centimeter breed. Het is een geschenk van de Nederlands-Hervormde Gemeente van Wageningen als dank voor het mogen gebruiken van de Aula voor haar kerkdiensten, nadat de Grote Kerk op de Markt 1940 was verwoest. Pas eind 1943 werd de herstelde kerk weer in gebruik genomen. Afgebeeld zijn mensen die elkaar (vluchtend?) aan de hand houden, een moeder voert een kind met poppen mee. Het raam is overladen met teksten en afbeeldingen. Van boven naar beneden: De Heer moet wesen gelooft gepresen (Valerius\' gedenck-clanck); de Grote Kerk en de Aula, een banier met wijsheid is beter dan kracht Pred. 9-16 (Prediker); een rond vlak met leeuwen en Landbouwhogeschool ; een rond vlak met twee strijdwagens en daaromheen de teksten Die de wagenen * 1940 met vuur verbrandt Ps. 46:10 (Psalmen) en 1578 – 1943 Ned. Herv. Gem.Wageningen; onderaan tegen een achtergrond van brandende gebouwen: Draagt elkanders lasten en vervult alzoo de wet van Christus; een signering door J.A. Thunack; in grote letters 1940 – 1946 Als blijk van Waardering voor het beschikbaar stellen der Aula voor haren eeredienst, werd dit gedenkraam den onleesbaar 1948 namens de Ned. Herv. Gemeente overgedragen aan het CURATORIUM der LANDBOUWHOOGESCHOOL. De Nieuwe Leidsche Courant berichtte op 11 mei 1948 over de schenking van dit raam, en besloot: “Het geschenk was in 1944 reeds vervaardigd, doch bij de slag om Arnhem verloren gegaan. Thans heeft de glazenier J.A. Thunack uit Oosterbeek het opnieuw vervaardigd.”
Sheet music - Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo\" - 1945 This song is from the movie' Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo" starring Spencer Tracy.  Title: I Love You-I Love You-I Love You Sweetheart Publisher: Shapiro, Bernstein, New York Publication Date: 1945
Sieh - das Herz Europas - 1937 Rare propaganda work of the American McClatchie, who introduces in this book Germany under Hitler. Germany's successes at the Olympic Games, the construction of the autobahn, the successes in aviation including the zeppelins and the social climate are presented as exemplary. Contents: Foreword; Adolf Hitler's life path, World War, Versailles; SA, Germany's choice, Moscow or Adolf Hitler, Boom, The streets of Adolf Hitler, Party buildings, Traffic, Olympic games, Hitler Youth, Urban and countryside, Labor service, National community, KdF.-Reisen, Family, Jews, etc.
Silver Brooch of a Kris - Netherlands Indies Cute Silver Brooch of a Kris - Netherlands Indies - 6,1 cm. marked 900.
Silver enamel Red Cross badge - J.R. Gaunt London Nice silver Red Cross badge, marked J.R. Gaunt London 2,7 cm.
Small Colgate & Co. Shaving Stick tin Tin of Colgate & Co Shaving Stick New York USA. Screw top moves smoothly. Tin is in good condition with minimal denting and discoloration. Diameter is 1.25" and the tin is 1.5" high.
Small Photo Album Parachute Regiment Training - 12 photographs Small Photo Album Parachute Regiment Training - 12 photographs. This booklet was made in de early days in WW2. It's a compilation of photographs about how a parachute training course took place. Clearly visible is the early type trainings helmet. Jumps from a balloon and from airplaines. Underneath each photograph there is a (funny) description. Very nice album and very rare!
Small Photograph of Members French Resitance, FFI Nice original 8,6 x 6 cm photograph of members of the French resistance, FFI. See brassard/armband on arm of men 2nd left. The last photo (nbr. 5) is only posted to show what such a brassard/armband looks like. it is not part of the sale of the photo. ___________________ Belle photographie originale 8,6 x 6 cm de résistants français, FFI. Voir brassard/brassard sur le bras des hommes 2e à gauche. La dernière photo (n°5) n'est postée que pour montrer à quoi ressemble un tel brassard/brassard. cela ne fait pas partie de la vente de la photo.
SOE Sabotage Pamphlet from SOE - Special Operations Executive The British SOE - Special Operations Executive supplied the resistance movements with sabotage equipment, weapons and radios during WWII. Their agents were trained on how to use them, but a need for a sabotage manual for their men in occupied countries made them print several different pamphlets which they sent along with the equipment.This high quality copy manual is complete with all 7 chapters, English, Danish, French, Dutch, Norwegian, German and an illustrated chapter. It contains about 200 pages. Probably used by the Dutch resistance. This copy has three staples.
Soldbuch, dogtag and paperwork Inf. Ers. Rgt. 24 Soldbuch, dogtag and paperwork Inf. Ers. Rgt. 24 Name: Harry Dittrich The group consists of: - Soldbuch. - Dogtag - the number 339 corresponds to the number noted in the soldbuch. - Cetificate Kriegsverdienst 2.Klasse mit Schwertern (belongs to his brother) - E-schein Entlausungsschein - Delouse certificate. - insert sheet about the ilness Ruhr (Shigellosis), vaccinations in his Soldbuch. - Insert sheet about the ilness Flecksieber (Typhus). Vaccinations in his Soldbuch. - 3x Merkblatt über selbsthilfe bei kampfstoffeinwirkung (Self-help against chemical warfare) 1 x dated 22.4.41, 2 x dated 1.2.43 - Punktbewertungsliste - A paper to show how many rationpoints you needed to buy certain cloth. Al paperwork is in good condition although they have some water stains. Harry Dittrich received the Iron Cross 2nd Class and the Ostmedaille.
SS Wiking door Rusland - extreem zeldzaam - extremely rare. AUTEUR / AUTHOR: Waffen SS Obersturmbannführer van Heutsz TITEL / TITLE: SS Wiking door Rusland STAAT / STATE: Goed PUBLICATIEJAAR / YEAR OF PUBLICATION: 1942 DRUK / PUBLICATION: Eerste druk in dit formaat - First printing in this format TAAL / LANGUAGE: Nederlands / Dutch UITGEVER / PUBLISHER: Storm, Amsterdam een exemplaar van dit boekje is extreem moeilijk om te bemachtigen. ----- a copy of this booklet is extremely difficult to obtain. Zachte kaft / Soft cover De scheur on de kaft is gerestaureerd, er zijn ook een aantal kleine restauraties gedaan in het boekje. Zie foto's. ----- The tear in the cover has been restored, a number of small restorations have also been done inside the booklet. See pictures.
Strainer Sieve made of a German Gasmask filter Enameled strainer Sieve made of a filter of a German gasmask. Photos show which part was used. Because household utensils were scarce after the war they were made out of all kind of military objects.
Time magazin - August 16, 1943. On the cover, Japanese Soldiers Nice example of this popular Magazin. On the front cover, Japanese soldiers are going off to war. Contents in this issue: Horrific series of photos from 1923 earthquake in Japan with piles of Japanese dead.The battle of Orel.Baukmillers strike it rich.Glider plane crash kills Mayor of St. Louis and 9 others – astounding photos.Harlem riot.Strange case of John Bovingdon.Article – P-38 by William P. Gray.Close-up – Andrew Jackson Higgins.Photo debate – How strong is Japan?Paris and New York styles during the war.Night club – Folies Bergere.“Balloon Ball” pitcher Sewell.Starlets in “Our hearts were young and gay.”Alaska has no “ceiling” by Robert Sherrod.Air Force rest home in England, home of Walter Hutchinson.Full page Sealright Milk bottle hoods pertaining to tuberculosis.Full page color Sonora records ad with military men – recording a letter home.Full page color Fleetwood cigarette ad with Middle Eastern scene.Full page color Shell ad with blimps / air craft.Full page color Cannon Towels ad inside front cover with a whole group of military men bathing in a river, true towel tales #1 “Army Day – Crocodiles keep out!”.And much more 2Neat content in this classic Life Magazine August 16, 1943!Antique magazines are packed with entertainment from cover to cover!Check out other vintage LIFE magazines and let the fun continue.
Time magazin - march 27, 1944. On the cover, landing LCI on Italian beach Nice example of this popular Magazin. The LCI (Landing Craft Infantery) whose number is 220, is disembarking troops onto an Italian beach. Some of the contents in this issue: Full page color Studebaker ad with Paul Lukavich and son Steve Lukavich, who just joined the Marines. Nice full page color Cadillac ad featuring tanks, one driving through river, one crossing river on temporary bridge. How GI Joe was born, cartoons by Bill Mauldin. Full page color Pacific Factag Fabrics ad with charming family doing home repairs, art by Rabut. Vichy collaborationist condemned for Treason. Cute photo and short story about using a photo of Betty Grable to teach map reading, latitude and longitude, Lowry Field, Colorado with Richard P. Bates. Berlin destruction. Return of the Gripsholm. Cutest full page color Swan soap ad with Swanny boat full of cherubs. LCI 226 (landing craft, Infantry) with lots of photos. Tragedy of Versailles. Ivan and Malvin Albright, twins, painters. Food gardens. Women Marines, Cherry Point Air Station, including Anne Jones, Irene Reicks, Elizabeth Buck, Marian Ferguson, Elizabeth Felker, Josephine Rice, Marion Chadwick, Alice Scheffey and others. Pin-up photographer Ray Jones and how he does it. Nerve graft with nerves from corpses. Wayside Inn near Sudbury, Massachusetts. Photos of bowler William P. Black of Kansas City. Photo of Salvatore Licata of Scranton holding a long rifle.
Tin cylinder for shaving stick \'Colgate c1940 This is a vintage Colgate & Co shaving stick New York USA tin in good condition
Training pressphoto Oxf & Buck
Tubular Black Steel Caltrop (Kraaienpoot) Tubular Black Steel Caltrop (Kraaienpoot). WW2 US Army/OSS Tubular Black Steel Caltrop for use on roads to puncture tires The hollow spikes punctures self-sealing rubber tires. The hole in the center allows air to escape even if the other end of the tube is sealed by soft ground. Height: 9,5 cm
Two German Photographs of a Panzer Man. The portrait photo is postcard size and the other standard size. On the back of the portait foto is written: \"Mein Freund Ernst Kleiner. Er war ein Teil meines Lebens\". (\"My friend Ernst Kleiner. He was part of my life\".)
U.S. M3 Camillus Fighting Knife WWII Object: U.S. M3 Camillus Fighting Knife WWII Maker: Camillus Cutlery Co. This U.S.Model M3 Camillus Figthing Knive and the scabbard are in good used condition. The leather of the scabbard still very flexible. The blade is marked US M3 CAMILLUS and the pommel is marked with the Ordonance bursting bomb. The M3 Fighting Knife was first issued in March 1943 and was issued to soldiers who were not equipped with a bayonet so they had their own edged weapon for close combat. These knives were called Trench Knives aswell.
U.S. Photograph of a G.I. of the 94th Infantry Division. U.S. Photograph of a G.I. of the 94th Infantry Division with helmet and 94th Inv. Div. shoulder patch
UNIQUE - Dutch M95 \'Bloktas\' set and waist belt (all with Identical numbers) Extra Images Please do not put this item in the shopping cart. If you would like to purchase this set, please put the above item with "Code: 50284" in your shopping cart.
UNIQUE - Dutch M95 \'Bloktas\' set and waist belt (all with Identical numbers) This unique number identical set is in a very good condition. The leather is still flexible. Both ammo pouches are marked with a CM (Centraal Magazijn) 1916 stamp. The waist belt is not marked with a CM stamp but is marked with the same number as the pouches. One of the ammo pouches (left side pouch) has a special compartment for the rifle key on the outside, this key is not present. All items are made of thick brown leather. The ammo pouches have room for 12 clips of 5 cartridges each for the Dutch Mannlicher / Hembrug M95 carabine or rifle. _____________________________ Deze uniek nummergelijke set verkeert in een zeer goede staat. Het leer is nog goed en flexibel. Beide munitietassen zijn gemerkt met een CM (Centraal Magazijn) 1916 stempel. De koppelriem is niet gemerkt met een CM-stempel maar is gemarkeerd met hetzelfde nummer als de munitietassen. Een van de munitietassen (linker) heeft aan de buitenkant een speciaal vakje voor de geweersleutel, deze sleutel is niet aanwezig. Alle items zijn gemaakt van dik bruin leer. De munitietassen bieden plaats aan 12 clips van elk 5 patronen voor de Nederlandse Mannlicher / Hembrug M95 karabijn of geweer.
Unused set of board games \"Unterhaltungsspiele für Soldaten\" Card folder printed with an illustration of three German soldiers drinking, smoking and playing board games at a small table. The folder states \"Unterhaltungsspiele für Soldaten\" (Entertainment games for soldiers ) and \"Nur für den Gebrauch innerhalb der Wehrmacht\" (Only for use within the armed forces). The folder contains six folded sheets of thin card, some double-sided, with game boards printed on them and the counters or pieces printed and partially cut out. The games include Schach (Chess), Dame (Draughts), Mühle (Nine Men\'s Morris), Salta (Leap), Festungsspiel (Fortress Game), Domino (Dominoes), Halma and Lotto. Also present is a folded printed rules sheet. Made by Bibliographisches Institut AG (Leipzig) for issue to armed services personnel. The set is complete and unused.
US Army Doughboy Helmet - named. US Army Doughboy Helmet, named William Haggard, 17075719 (Mike) The liner is still in a very nice condition. The left side metal D-ring is broken due to rust. WW II Enlistment File Summary from William R Haggard, born in 1924, army service number 17075719, enlisted on 07-09-1942 from Clay county Missouri Jefferson Barracks Missouri, born or originally from Missouri, Married, enlisted as Private, Warrant Officers - Army Of The United States - Voluntary Enlistments.
US Military Whistle - Engraved MILITARY US military whistle. MILITARY engraved in the whistle and on the reverse Made In USA. Good condition.
US Phrase Book - Dutch 1943 US Phrase Book - Dutch 1943 This booklet is in a nice used condition.
US WW2 Pocket Guide to the Cities of the Netherlands US WW2 Pocket Guide to the Cities of the Netherlands. Published by the U.S. Government Printing Office in 1944. Booklet is in used condition.
US WWII \'Keep them Flying\' Matchbook US 'Keep them Flying' Matchbook Made by the Gem.Match Co. in Chicago, Illinois In very good condition. On the back of the matchbook there is some advertisement.
USAAF Sterling Identification Bracelet. USAAF Sterling Identification Bracelet. On the front: United States Army Air Force Winged Propeller On the back: Named to William E. Stratton with serial number 13126516 The bracelet has been properly polished, so the silver-plated layer has been polished away in some places. Marking on the back of the bracelet: WELLS STERLING
USAF Survival Pilot Fishing KIT MIL-F-6218B Korea USAF Survival Pilot Fishing KIT MIL-F-6218B Korea Measures 11 x 6.5 cm and 2.5 thick The kit was opened but to my knowledge all contents are there.
Vasenol - Fuss Pulver Original pre-war or wartime era Vasenol foot powder container. It is in good condition. There is still some powder inside. These foot powders were popular and widely used within the Wehrmacht. These are fairly rare as they were often used up after the war.
Veldzakboekje en Zakboekje Diverse Regimenten, A. van Hemert, Naarden Arnoldus van Hemert Geb. 20 februari 1891 (Amsterdam) Beroep: Landbouwer Laatste woonplaats: Woudenberg, Utrecht Milicien Soldaat te Naarden Veldzakboekje: - 5e Regiment Infanterie, 3e Bataljon, 2e Compagnie -16e Regiment Infanterie, 1e Bataljon, 2e Compagnie Zakboekje: -18e Regiment Infanterie, Reserve 1e Bataljon, 3e Compagnie ----------------------------------------- The above translated: Arnold van Hemert Born February 20th, 1891 (Amsterdam) Occupation: Farmer Last place of residence: Woudenberg, Utrecht Militia soldier in Naarden Field pocket book: - 5th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Battalion, 2nd Company -16th Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion, 2nd Company Pocketbook: -18th Infantry Regiment, Reserve 1st Battalion, 3rd Company
Very nice portrait photo of a Panzer man, wearing a schutzmütze (panzer beret) Very nice portrait photo of a Panzer man in his wrapper and wearing his schutzmütze (panzer beret).
Very Rare Allied Leaflet Evacuation Walcheren, dropped on October 2nd 1944 Op 2 Oktober 1944 werpen twee geallieerde vliegtuigen strooibiljetten boven Walcheren uit. VOORKANT Hoofdkwartier van den Opperbevelhebber van het Geallieerde Expeditieleger WAARSCHUWING Aan bewoners van de eilanden in de monding van de rivier de Schelde ONMIDDELLIJKE EVACUATIE! Leest nauwkeurig de tekst aan de andere zijde van dit strooibiljet... waarschuwt uwe buren. gaat weg zonder uitstel. ACHTERKANT Aan Bewoners van de Eilanden in de Monding van de Rivier de Schelde WAARSCHUWING Uitgevaardigd door het Hoofd- kwartier van den Opperbevel- hebber van het Geallieerde Expeditieleger. 1) Het is zeer waarschijnlijk, dat de vijandelijke troepen en installaties op uwe eilanden binnenkort aan een hevig en langdurig luchtbombardement zullen blootstaan. 2) Het is de vurigste wensch van het geallieerde oppercom- mando dat de burgerbevolking zal worden gespaard voor de gevolgen van deze noodzakelijke militaire actie voorzoover dit eenigszins mogelijk zal zijn. 3) Niet alleen een luchtbombardement maar het gevaar van overstrooming bedreigt eveneens uw leven en dat van uwe families. 4) Verlaat de eilanden of indien dat niet mogelijk is, verhuist dan ONMIDDELLIJK met uwe families naar een veilige plaats op de eilanden. Alle militaire doelen wegen, kanalen, transportlijnen, kracht- stations, spoorwegemplacementen of loodsen, opslagplaatsen en depots, vijandelijke concentraties van allerlei soorten zijn de middelpunten van gevaarzones gaat ONMIDDELLIJK uit de nabijheid daarvan. 5) Reist uitsluitend te voet en neemt niets met U mee, dat U niet gemakkelijk kunt dragen. Houdt U verwijderd van de groote verkeerswegen en begeeft U uitsluitend door velden. Reist niet in groote groepen, welke ten onrechte kunnen worden aangezien voor vijandelijke formaties. Houdt U verwijderd van laagliggend grondgebied en van militaire doelen totdat de vijand van uwe eilanden is verdreven. _____________________________________________ On October 2, 1944, two Allied aircraft dropped leaflets over Walcheren, The Netherlands. FRONT: Headquarters of the Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force WARNING To residents of the islands in the mouth of the Scheldt river IMMEDIATE EVACUATION! Please carefully read the text on the other side of this leaflet... warn your neighbors. leave without delay. BACK: Tekst vertalen met je camera To Residents of the Islands in the Mouth of the River Scheldt WARNING Issued by the Headquarters of the Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force. 1) It is very likely that the enemy troops and installations on your islands will soon be exposed to heavy and prolonged aerial bombardment. 2) It is the fervent wish of the Allied High Command that the civilian population will be spared from the consequences of this necessary military action as far as this is at all possible. 3) Not only an aerial bombardment but the danger of flooding also threatens your life and that of your families. 4) Leave the islands or if that is not possible, move IMMEDIATELY with your families to a safe place on the islands. All military objectives - roads, canals, transport lines, power stations, railway yards or sheds, warehouses and depots, enemy concentrations of all kinds - are the centers of danger zones IMMEDIATELY move out of their vicinity. 5) Travel only on foot and do not take anything with you that you cannot easily carry. Keep away from major highways and only travel through fields. Do not travel in large groups that could be mistaken for enemy formations. Keep away from low-lying territory and military objectives until the enemy has been driven from your islands.
Very Rare Number \"Feldpost\" (American Propaganda Leaflet) This number is very rare because of the late date. The last known number is 31. After this a few numbers did appear, including this number 34. This copy was distributed via grenades. From number 32, far fewer numbers have been printed, which means that only a few are still in circulation. This copy came from a found grenade that was still filled with leaflets.
Victorie! - Augustus 1941 Dutch collaboration newspaper. Newspaper devoted to the 'victory' retreats of the English. Krant gewijd aan de 'victorievolle' Engelsche terugtochten.
Volk van Nederland - 1941 No. 10 Bi weekly Dutch collaboration newspaper. Veertiendaagse uitgave van de afdeling propaganda der N.S.B.
Volk van Nederland - 1941 No. 11 Bi weekly Dutch collaboration newspaper. Veertiendaagse uitgave van de afdeling propaganda der N.S.B.
Volk van Nederland - 1941 No. 24 Bi weekly Dutch collaboration newspaper. Missing a small piece on the last page. Veertiendaagse uitgave van de afdeling propaganda der N.S.B. Mist een klein stukje op de laatste blz.
Voorschrift inkwartieringswet SROI VOORSCHRIFT INKWARTIERINGSWET SROI KAMPEN Nederlands voorschrift inkwartieringswet met enkele bijbehorende bepalingen uit het inkwartieringsbesluit ten dienste van het onderwijs aan de SROI, de School voor Reserve Officieren der Infanterie. Het voorschrift verkeerd in een goede staat.
Voorschrift No. 35 - Voorschrift optisch seinen Nederlands voorschrift no 35 Voorschrift optisch seinen voor de koninklijke landmacht. Het voorschrift verkeerd in een goede staat en is uitgegeven in 1927. Het is een zeer informatief boekje van 101 bladzijden, en een losse bijlage. In het boekje worden alle optische seinmiddelen van het vooroorlogse Nederlandse leger uitvoerig behandeld. Zo komt de seinlamp voorbij en het seinpistool.
Voorschrift No. 36 - Voorschrift Verbindingsdienst voor de Koninklijke Landmacht - Dutch Army Regulation No. 36 - Liaison Service for the Royal Dutch Army Nederlands voorschrift No. 36 Voorschrift verbindingsdienst voor de koninklijke landmacht. Het boekje komt met 5 extra bijlagen. Het boekje is uitgegeven in 1933. Het voorschrift was in gebruik bij de SROC,  de School voor Reserve Officieren der Cavalerie. Dutch Army regulation no. 36 Liaison Service Regulations for the Royal Army. The booklet comes with 5 extra appendices. The booklet was published in 1933. The regulation was used by the SROC, the School for Reserve Officers of the Cavalry.
Voorschrift No. 36 - Voorschrift Verbindingsdienst voor de Landmacht - Dutch Army Regulations No. 36 - Liaison Service for the Army Nederlands voorschrift No. 36 Voorschrift verbindingsdienst voor de landmacht. Het boekje was eigendom van de reserve 1e luitenant B.J Buma. Hij diende bij het 1e regiment Huzaren. Het boekje verkeerd in een nette staat en is uitgegeven in 1924. Dutch regulation no. 36 Regulation on liaison service for the army. The booklet belonged to the reserve 1st lieutenant B.J Buma. He served with the 1st Hussars regiment. The booklet is in good condition and was published in 1924.
Voorschrift No. 41 Deel 1 - Voorschrift Velddienst - Dutch Army Regulation No. 41 Part 1 - Field Service Regulation Nederlands voorschrift no 41 1 voorschrift velddienst deel 1. Het boekje verkeerd in een goede staat in is compleet met de extra bijlage. De naam van de oorspronkelijke eigenaar staat nog op het boekje, de artillerist E. Engberts. Het voorschrift is uitgegeven in 1934. Dutch prescription no 41 1 prescription field service part 1. The booklet is in good condition and complete with the extra appendix. The name of the original owner is still on the booklet, the artilleryman E. Engberts. The prescription was issued in 1934.
Waffen-SS 2 photographs of an SS Unterscharführer. Waffen-SS 2 photograph of an SS Unterscharführer (Sergeant) and his men. On the second photograph a colleague Unterscharführer. The first photograph has a small crack. Both photographs are printed on Ridax photo paper. Size 6,1 x 9,2 cm.
Waffen-SS sports shirt photograph Nice original Waffen-SS sports shirt photograph in a small size. 5,7 x 8,2 cm. On the front is written: Hermann Geisel Warschau 1942. On the back is written: ...s soll ich einmah=l gewesen sein. The photo is printed on Leonar paper.
Wehrmacht Aufklärer Shoulder Boards Pair Nice 90% matching pair of Oberfeldwebel (Master Sergeant) Aufklärer shoulder boards. Condition is very good.
Wehrmacht M42 Helmet Nice used Wehrmacht M42 helmet with a liner in size "58" The helmet is market with a factory stamp CKL 66 which indicates that the helmet was produced by Eisenhüttenwerk, Thale. The size is 66. The helmet is named with the name 'Hoffman' the name is written on the liner. Nice used helmet in good condition.
Wehrmacht steel Belt Buckle Nice original Wehrmacht steel belt buckle. GB marked = Gustav Brehmer from Markneukirchen.
Wehrmacht \"Pertrix\" Flashlight Wehrmacht "Pertrix" Flashlight Very nice model "679" flashlight made by the famous "Pertrix" company In very good condition.
Wenn Alle Brüder Schweigen / When All Our Brothers Are Silent - Grosser Bildband über die Waffen-SS. 596 Pages! Published by the Association of Soldiers of the Former Waffen-SS. ISBN 3921242215. Hardcover with dust jacket. Dust Jacket in used condition with some tape. First published in 1973, this book is the most comprehensive collection of photographs ever assembled in one volume showing the Waffen-SS in combat, and is the classic photo history of the Waffen-SS, the fourth branch of the Wehrmacht. Over 1000 photos with detailed captions in German and English chronicle the most controversial and maligned elite fighting force of all time. From a strength of 18,000 Germans in 1939, the Waffen-SS grew in strength to over 900,000 by the end of 1944, encompassing every European nationality within its ranks. Organized into some 40 Waffen-SS Divisions, seven of them were Panzer (armored), eight were Panzergrenadier (armored-infantry), sixteen infantry, six mountain and three horse cavalry. First organized under the strictest guidelines in the 1930s, the SS-VT or Special Disposal Troops were so called because they were at the disposition of Adolf Hitler exclusively. Originally raised only from Germans, the crusade against Communism on the Eastern Front saw all European volunteers welcomed to their ranks. And volunteer they did, from every nation in Europe, evolving to become, by the end of the war, the first pan-European army, fighting on all fronts for the cause of a shared European ideal. Numerous judgements have been passed on the Waffen-SS since the end of the Second World War. It is indisputable that many works about the Waffen-SS have been heavily prejudiced by an antipathy which is politically motivated, even among the so-called "scholarly." But an objective assessment is difficult to attain if one lacks personal (actual) experiences of the war and of the battles fought. What person can presume to understand men who were for months and even years ordered from one battle to another, each day risking their lives, unless that person has himself also known action in combat? A whole universe of experience lies between the battlefront and the peaceful struggles of middle-class existence, to say nothing of the stillness of "scholarly" study. This book answers many of the worst of the critics' accusations. The surviving veterans themselves, who make up the Association of Soldiers of the Former Waffen-SS, donated hundreds of previously unpublished photos from their private collections for the production of this book. This was done in order that the reader might "walk among the soldiers" as they performed their numerous duties under all conditions and circumstances, mostly in combat. This book of photos shows the way the men really were then, fifty-five or more years ago. At the same time, the pictures convey impressions of the extraordinary historical events in which the men found themselves as front-line soldiers in the most intense struggle in military history. At the forefront of all fighting fronts, no military organization has ever covered itself with such glory, and paid so dearly for it. Over one-fourth became casualties during the war, with countless others added to the list after the war in retribution by vindictive victorious enemies whom they had bettered on the battlefield. It is difficult to imagine such a combat record ever being equalled. This is that record, in over 1,100 photos, with detailed captions.
Winter 1942 - Radio-schlagers benevens een aantal Oer-Komische Voordrachten Leuk authentiek boekje "Winter 1942 - Radio-schlagers benevens een aantal Oer-Komische Voordrachten." ______________________ Nice authentic book "Winter 1942 - Radio-schlagers benevens een aantal Oer-Komische Voordrachten".
World War II USAAF Pilot Wings - Sterling Silver - Small 2\" Version This is a WW2 USAAF Pilot Wings, made of British Sterling Silver. It measures 5,1 cm, so approx 2 inch. The Wing is in a nice condition with a nice Patina. The needle and the catch are present but the catch is not complete.
WW1 / WW2 King’s Own Scottish Borderers Cap Badge. WW1 / WW2 King’s Own Scottish Borderers Cap Badge. Complete with loops.
WW1 German Iron Cross Second Class Medal 1914 Nice example of a WW1 German Iron Cross Second Class Medal 1914 with a makers mark stamped onto the suspension ring. See photo 3 for maker mark. Medal with a nice original ribbon.
WW1 German Mauser G98 Ammunition Pouch WW1 German Mauser G98 Ammunition Pouch This pouch is in a worderfull condition, the leather is flexible and nothing is missing. It's dated 1915, the makers mark is: E.G. Leuner, Bautzen. The clip dividers are all intact.
WW1 German Mauser G98 Ammunition Pouch WW1 German Mauser G98 Ammunition Pouch This pauch is in a worderfull condition, the leather is flexible and nothing is missing. It's dated 1915 and has a makers mark: Werkgenossenschaft, Berlin. The clip dividers are all intact. All three covers are stamped aswell.
WW1 photograph of British Royal Army Medical Corps Captain Very nice WW1 photograph of British Royal Army Medical Corps Captain wearing a cuff-rank tunic.
WW1 Trench Art Shell Head Cigarette Lighter. Nice WW1 Trench Art Shell Head Cigarette Lighter in a very good condition. A good what appears to be a field made example. Brass shell head nicely age wear. Height approx 10,5 cm, width 4.3 cm. Flint wheel runs free, all in working order. Stamp on the bottom: PATRONENFABRIK KARLSRUHE 1917
WW2 (1943) British War Office Map of Amsterdam WW2 (1943) British War Office Map of Amsterdam Very nice used map with a scale of 1:250.000. The North East of the Netherlands is visible on this map.
WW2 British Army Officer Slip on Rank, Major WW2 Army Officer Slip on Rank, Major Nice used condition.
WW2 British Army Officer Slip on Rank, REME Captain WW2 Army Officer Slip on Rank, REME Captain Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. Nice used condition. Size: 9,5 x 6,5 cm.
WW2 British RAF Squadron Leader Shoulder Boards Pair Nice pare of British WW2 RAF Squadron Leader Shoulder Boards.
WW2 Esbit Stove with Original Full Pack of Alcohol Pallets WW2 Esbit Stove with Original Full Pack of Alcohol Pallets. The box with alcohol tablets is still in nice condition. It contains 4 large tablets, the only criticism to be made is that all the tablets have been broken once or twice. see pictures. Excellent condition
WW2 German Eastern Front Medal WW2 German Eastern Front Medal with ribbon, small ribbon and Original envelope. No makersmark found on the medal. The envelope is marked on the back with Julius Maurer, Oberstein a. d. Nahe. name on the envelope is Ogfr. Rosse (Obergefreiter Rosse)
WW2 Postcard - Lockheed B14 \"Hudson Bomber\" Original WW2 postcard. Reverse has silhouetted top, side, & front views of each plane. Card is manufactured by Longshaw Card Co., Los Angeles, California. Mint excellent new condition, never used. Good item for the Soldiers kit or trunk or Home Front War display.
WWII US Army Paratrooper Jump Wings in Sterling. WWII US Army Paratrooper Jump Wings in Sterling. Maker: N.S. Meyer Inc, New York. The wing is in good condition.
Zeldzaam nummer van DE WIG, nr 9/10 1935 - Rare issue of DE WIG, no 9/10 1935 De Wig was het officiële orgaan van de Nederlandsche Nationaal Socialistische Studentenfederatie. 1935 juni/juli nummer 9/10 Zeer mooi exemplaar. The Wig was the official organ of the Dutch National Socialist Student Federation. 1935 June/July issue 9/10 Very nice copy.
ZF41 Sharp Shooter Scope with Carrying Case. Original scope, rainshield and 3rd pattern carrying case. Marked: jvb. State: In a very nice and original condition. the scope has clean lenses and a clear view on the target.